West-Side Trail Report?


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
Sunday looks like it's going to be a nice day - mid 50's and sun!

Any West-Side trail reports? I'd like to FINALLY get some riding in. Cedar Creek? White Cloud? Horshoe Lake? (Woodsy?) I watched in the woods on the way home from General Motors today, and it looks like things are pretty clear. The rain should help with any residual frost.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
I can't imagine that all that snow in the baldwin area is gone yet after one week. It was 18 inches deep at the end of Saturday last weekend. I'd say you are 2-3 weeks away from riding there yet. But someone near by may know better.


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 14, 2002
yea, but we had prolly near 12 inches of snow in our front yard, and there isn't a mm there now. Also this small riding spot by the highway (you prolly saw it when you got teh bike) there was like 10 inches and that melted in one day, then it was all soupy and it dried up in 2 days. So we'll have to see.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001

There is no snow whatsoever in my yard. You can ride there Sunday if you'd like! LOL!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Sorry guys but ol Woodsy has been working - NO time to play in the last week :( Well thats the bad news...
Here is the good news. I picked up a NEW KX500 (left over from 2000) and I am breaking it in tomorrow (friday). I will ride report in the afternoon with trail conditions!
Hey Fred, We had 8 foot plow banks in our yard and they are GONE!! There isnt a spot of snow left here - not even between the pine trees! I will be shocked if ALL the trails here (Cedar, Horseshoe maybe even White Cloud arent OPEN!!!
I will know tomorrow!


Oct 6, 2002
A 500? That sure changes my opinion of you, and I haven't even met you yet.
I used to ride a CR 500 in the woods, I was much younger and let's say more un-informed. I actually loved the power of the 500. Let me re-state that I was addicted to the power of the 500. The problem was it beat me like no other bike I ever owned before or since.
Good luck.
Dave T.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Dave: I too spent MANY years on the ol CR500's. I absoulutly LOVED their power, I never really found them to "beat me up" and I ride LOTS of all day/cross country stuff. I always set my bikes up for woods riding and found them extremely woods worthy! My problem with the CR's was I NEVER found one that didnt have starting issues after a few hours! On average I would go thru at least 2 pair of boots a year - right boot midsoul SHOT!
I didnt go into this KX thing blindly. I have been riding with a guy that rides one of the big KX's. I have watched VERY closely the past 3 years as He has done everything from ice race to woods ride to drag race the big KX and NEVER had starting probs. I have spent ALOT of hours on his bike (while he was riding my VOR :) ) and simply found the 5 to have very ELECTRIC power! I am going to street legal mine and it will see the entire MCCCT loop as well as Utah this year - CANT WAIT!!
This is the plan, of course you never can tell about ol Woodsy. If someone came along with a CRF wanting to do some swapping all this could change......
Thanks for the well wishing!
C ya in the woods.
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