what constitutes the need to replace

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
i'm rebuilding/refurb an old 1983 kdx 200. i don't want to spend much as the bike is old and ****. how can i tell what parts in the shock and forks needs replaced? Is there a test i can perform, for instance, with out oil the shock should move in and out with out binding? I imagine the diference between a worn out part and a part that's worn is not very discernable unless the wear is extreme. Thanks.


Apr 10, 2002
Are the forks or shock leaking oil or binding in the stroke? Have you taken the fork springs out/shock spring off and moved them through the stroke? I know you are trying to get off cheaply, but if you don't look inside, you will never know for sure. I think the best way to check the internal parts is to completely disassemble them, then clean and inspect them. I have taken apart one '87 KDX200 shock which had lost oil. The piston rubbed into the body, damaging both. The shaft chrome was worn off inside the body, out of sight. The seal head was damaged, too. The piston and valving assembly had some rust on it, too.
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