Ok, your on your bike headed into town to get some stamps at the post office, on the way home you slip down a trail and spend an hour or so cruising the woods, then you jump back on the road and head for hime - YOU JUST DUAL SPORTED. The "sport" is always in flux... The onslaught of Greenie Power (people who would just as soon not see you or I riding ANYTHING on public land, or walking on it for that matter) has brought with it the necessity of having " street legal" trail bikes, if nothing more then to connect trails. Not to long ago, us ol timers watched as the the demise of the DT Yamaha Enduro's came about - people just lost interest in them. At present day, street legaling increases your ride time 10 fold! I believe that we will see a push for the manufacturers to once again produce "true" DS bikes in the VERY near future..
Personally, I LOVE D/Sing! I do lots of it throughout the summer - usually winds up being 60% TIGHT stuff, 20% wider single track, 15% 2 tracking and 5 % pavement. The VARIETY of D/Sing a bike is AWESOME - especially from the seat of a BIG BORE 2 STROKER!!