What kind of dirt?


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
What kind of dirt is there around the Casey area? Is the ground soft? Hard pack? sandy? etc....Oh boy its getting close.......

More to follow im sure.....


Jul 5, 2000
The dirt is brown

Thear is every kind thear, it depends on what part of the park your in. The moto track seems to get prety hard sometimes, but that's not whare I ride. The woods trails hold up realy well and differ from hard to loose to sandy mix dirt down by the main creek.

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
hmm..lol thats actually a tough question.

The trails range from black dirt ...loam to sand...to some hard clay and rock creek bottoms.Some of the creek bottom is sand however and BOTTOMLESS!!!!!

The GP track is mostly clay ...with some sand sections.

The MX track is river bottom clay....hard pack when dry ..peanut butter mud when wet..but perfect loam when groomed.

I'm an official D17 soil sampler and this review is from personal testing.
Usually by scooping up samples of terra firma with my visor...
too bad its normally still attached to my helmet which is on my head.
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