What'S the best gas soluble oil to prevent rust?

Dec 27, 2008
So, for my highschool graduation present, my uncle gave me the bike i learned to ride on and i just wana ride it! But i also want to know how to take awesome care of it. What is the best gas soluble oil to spray the tank with to prevent rust this winter?


Dec 14, 2008
If you are refering to inside the tank, the best way to keep it from rusting is to add fuel stabilizer, and fill the tank right to the top with fresh gas. Run the bike for 10-15 minutes to get treated fuel in the carb to prevent varnish. Then make sure the fuel valve is closed. Pour a spoon full of oil down the cylinder, through the spark plug hole, and slowly turn the engine over to coat the cylinder with oil, this will keep the cylinder and rings from rusting. Or you can just use an engine foging oil for the cylinder. To protect the outside surface of the tank, just give it a good coat of wax.

Gravity Worx

Dec 10, 2008
The fogging oil is by far the best.
Do the stabil like posted above and run it through the motor.
Then spray the fogging oil in through the carb so that its also through the motor and shut it down.
Normally this will cause a fouled plug in the spring, but plugs are cheap and a well protected motor will save you a good deal of cash.
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