which air filter to buy?

brad 98CR250

Nov 28, 2001
hi! i just bought a 98 CR 250r. it needs a new air filter. i'm new so i don't know what's the best out there to buy that will deliver performance for the price. any suggestions?
thank you,


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 11, 2001
Most of the main brands will give you about the same, good performance. I'm using a Twin Air at the moment that's been pretty good, and I've got a No-Toil that I got for free that I'm going to make my main filter next season. i've heard good things about the UNI's, too. As long as you go w/one of the dual foam one's, you shouldn't have any problems. Just remember the two main rules for treating your filter right. 1) Clean it w/the appropriate cleaners(just about everyone uses gas/mineral spirits/kerosene, even thou' the manufacturers don't recommend it, w/good results); 2) Never wring it out, whether it's excess oil, water or cleaning solution. Always squeeze it. Wringing it can help deteriorate the glue holding the two diff. foams together; and 3) Let it dry thoroughly before you oil it. It doesn't help to oil water in the filter.


Mar 7, 2001
I agree, all the major brands are pretty close. I have heard that the UNI filter glue doesn't like the No-toil cleaner and breaks down. I have never used a UNI so I cannot attest to that. I use Twin-Air and No-toil filters and No-toil cleaner and oil. OH, and I also use the stock factory Yamaha filters on my son's YZ.


Sep 5, 1999
I just ordered a Twin-air and now have a Uni that is coming loos at
one of the seams, I'm going to reglue it and use it fore a backup.
Buffmaster and Brad are right though theres not a lot of difference.


Sep 13, 2001
Although there are some filters out there better than some you have to take care of it and use the right oil or the best filter in the world won't keep that dirt out. Twin Air and UNI are two of the better filters I have used.



Sep 18, 1999
DT1 Airfilters are the very best. They have a one year warranty, are very durable and the base where it seals to the airbox is rubber so you don't need to use grease My stock filter rotted. the glue on my UNI filter is cracking and the DT1 filter is in perfect condition, and if it wasan't I'd send it to the company and get a new one.

Mr. Clean

Nov 8, 2001
I always use Uni because it has two density foams that are separate. I usually just clean the outer filter(coarse foam) and leave then dense foam filter alone. I have used this technique for many, many years ( i am 42 ) and have had no problems. Always use foam filter oil and grease the sealing lip.

Kurt yz 250
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