
Sponsoring Member
Jan 25, 2002
I thought it was wierd that I was the first to see Wes's letter and I was right. I was no the first :whiner:


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by GETMETOCA
Did he mention Bob Patrico?
Nat, I wasn't going to respond to these "Wes B" threads because I find it all a bit embarrassing. Especially considering that my most excellent letters to the magazines either never get published, or they get edited so much that I look even stupider than I do in person.

I meant what I said about RC but I wouldn't have picked that letter for publication. I'd rather see my more satirical stuff in print. Unfortunately, letters don't see "ink" unless they meet one of three criteria:
  1. You gotta suck up to the editors and sincerely plant a big wet one on their back-side.
  2. You gotta bite them hard on the back-side and take out a big chunk of meat. This will usually result in your letter being edited to make you appear totally ignorant.
  3. You must get all misty eyed and sincere. This works best when you are sitting alone in your dimly lit house drinking Beam & Coke (hold the Coke) and feeling extra depressed about your entire existence.

    I didn't mention Bob Patricko. I save him for special adult occasions only. He's very nasty you know.
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