Who makes the largest CP?


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Well, Santa left me a couple of gift certificates to the local shop, and I thought that this might be the right time to get me a chest protector. The problem lies in my size. Any of you who have met me know that I am not what one would call tiny.

Which manufacturer makes the largest CP? I wanna hear from the larger folk. I mean if AJ or Treejumper post that they had all sorts of extra room with brand X it won't exactly apply to me. :silly: On the other hand, if you put Gomer and Ivan front to back and slid a chest protector on them you might be in the ball park.;) :eek:

The only one that I have tried on is the Moose M1. It comes close to fitting properly, but doesn't quite do it in the shoulders(I could've doubled for Tina Turner in Thunderdome).

I'd like to get one before I take my ribs to task again. help.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Weeeell Papa I'd say Acerbis is going to be about your best shot. I have a Zoom Plus and it may actually be a bit oversized for me but the more plastic the better. They have a updated version that's about $10 more called the Zoom Plus 2 that has adjustable straps so you can minimize the Tina Turner look you like :D They are also made of the thickest plastic of any CP out there and typically provide the best coverage. I know I'm not really in your league but I do outgun AJ by a little ;)


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Does anyone just rip out the webbing in the shoulders?
The Acerbis Zoom and Zoom plus looks to be the same as the Moose M1 large and XL. Maybe the Zoom 2 Plus would be the ticket. It claims to have 2 in. more from top to bottom and side to side. Thanks!:)

Anyone else?


Sep 20, 1999
i had a zoom +, & it was huge! in fact, it was a little too big for me. the webbing all ripped out from using the shoulder pads as curb feelers in the trees, so i held it together with zip ties. i use a fox airframe now.


Keith-I have the Zoom 2+ also. All the other ones I tried made it look like I was wearing a bra! :o I looked like a shirtless, pregnant woman riding around!:scream: They also have the side protectors on this model for your kidney area. The shoulder webbing isn't really a problem. It's never given me cause to want to remove it. Thunder 33 just got the Moose one you mentioned for Xmas. It does appear to be very similar to the Acerbis. They do seem to be around $20 more than most of the other popular brands, but I guess that's the price you gotta pay for all that plastic!:D


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Originally posted by Papakeith
On the other hand, if you put Gomer and Ivan front to back and slid a chest protector on them you might be in the ball park.;) :eek:
I aint playing in that ballpark:scream:
I second BigLou with the acerbis it is plenty big on me.
BTW weren't you going to take some of the manufacturers to task about their lack of realistic sizing:p


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Re: Re: Who makes the largest CP?

Originally posted by oldguy
BTW weren't you going to take some of the manufacturers to task about their lack of realistic sizing:p
I did!!:) Moose seems to have even listened (at least partially) to my rantings.
I wrote and let them know that my back offers more room (as opposed to the skin and bone riders) for them to advertise their brand name;). They now offer 3x in their jersey size(4x in the works), and up to 50 waist on pants.
There CPs seem to be plenty big for most, they even offer two sizes.
I just happen to be slightly above the bell curve for body size (read lard ass).
:eek: :confused:
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