WHOA!!! Are You Sitting Down? -- Media Change


Oct 7, 1999
Wow. I just briefly looked at the latest Newsweek (they keep it in the ahem - facilities, else I'd never see it, mind you). And in this magazine that has been no great friend (to put it mildly) of the Republicans, there is an absolutely glowing piece on GW. It's entitled "A President Finds His True Voice" and positively gushes about how well he's been handling himself. How he's been strong, determined, measured, both externally and behind the scenes. Comparisons to Churchill. Man. I can't get over it.

A cynical person might say yes, but that's because they've got so much egg on their face after the timing of their last issue (they had a really petty sounding article about the election hit the stands right after the bombing, when Americans obviously were not in the mood). But a glass-half-full person would rather believe that GW has been performing so well in this time of tragedy that even his detractors are recognizing that they've underestimated the man.

Whichever, I'll take it. You've got to see the article. Awesome.

:) :) :) :) :)
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***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Way cool. :cool:

Pat Burroughs

Sep 10, 1999
Not trying to incite, so everyone PLEASE BACK AWAY FROM YOUR KEYBOARD FOR A MOMENT. Just an honest question. :)

But. . .is it not within the realm of possibility that they've been fair and balanced all along? And that it's only due to one's personal positions that they do not appear to be so?

Once again, :)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by Pat Burroughs
. . . is it not within the realm of possibility that they've been fair and balanced all along?


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by Pat Burroughs
Not trying to incite, so everyone PLEASE BACK AWAY FROM YOUR KEYBOARD FOR A MOMENT.
is it not within the realm of possibility that they've been fair and balanced all along
Once again, :)

Nope. :)


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
. . . is it not within the realm of possibility that they've been fair and balanced all along?
Absolutely, positively, not.
There is nothing more apparent than the blatent, liberal biased reporting from that rag. It, along with many,many other forms of media actually mock the right, which is a far cry from balanced.

The actions of Newsweek, of late, are similar to the actions taken by the Pakistan gov. Dog and pony show.

Pat Burroughs

Sep 10, 1999
As I don't read this magazine, which one can be considered "fair"? Or, more broadly, what media sources on the whole can be considered "fair"?


Oct 7, 1999
One. FoxNews. That's why their ratings are through the roof -- in no time flat.

There's another way to get a balanced approach, though. Regrettably, it's available in very few cities. That is, read two dailies that are clearly on opposite sides of the fence. You realize then, that one paper's spinning one way, and the other the other way, and you can decide yourself where lies the truth on any particular issue. NYC is the only place I know of that still has that luxury, with the Post and the Daily News, though.

But -- back to the original topic -- read that piece on Bush. Fineman really does paint a very favorable picture of our President. Warranted, too, IMO. :)

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
I don't think any of them are consistently fair, wouldn't sell papers and mags. or draw viewers.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
How 'bout Ping's column two months ago- didn't you just giggle hearing him bash on Jody? And then didn't you try to imagine what it was like in their office the morning when someone brought that article in? Sure, he may not give a rip about what David Pingree thinks, but still, I'd love to have been a fly on the wall (with a raincoat on for when the you-know-what started flying).

Otherwise, none of the mainstream media is "fair & balanced". They're all ultra-large corporations with agendas. Even, though I'm sad to admit, Fox News. Bill O'Reilly is my favorite guy on TV, though. I'd say he comes the closest. And can you imagine Brit Hume telling anything but the truth? So maybe I do think Fox news is "it". Who knows nowadays.
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Pat Burroughs

Sep 10, 1999
Originally posted by XRpredator

RacerX :p

Now that's good!

Actually you bring up a good point that I was about to post any-who. Issues like these are why I keep my nose out of politics and pay attention to sports. Sports are measurable, they're clean. It's clear who's good and who's not-so-good.

Politics are murky. What one side (or person) believes to be right may seem quite wrong to another. Since it's all what one believes and what one's goals are, there's no way to measure. What I do know is that this is what I think makes this country great, everyone is entitled to hold an opinion and act on that opinion, whatever that opinion or belief may be.

Man that Pakistani president has a bad rug...


Sep 13, 2000
Originally posted by Pat Burroughs
Politics are murky
The only thing murkier than politics is a 20 year old septic tank.:eek: I really don't see how sports is much better though, you may be able to quantify the results in sports but some athletes are much worse than the politicians (except maybe Gary Condit) remember Ray Carruth from the Panthers? He had his pregnant girlfriend gunned down. Who knows what really happed with Ray Lewis in Buckhead GA. And who can forget OJ? Here is a great quote regarding politics, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"


May 30, 2001
The same people that give him 'Rave reviews' now, outta the blue, will be the first to criticise him later.


Aug 5, 2001
LongTime, I agree, Fox News. At least you get ALL of the stories, they don't suppress those that don't "fit" the liberal media positions.
Aren't some of you curious about the comments of Dan Rather and Peter Jenning about Bush, and the subsequent "Backlash" from viewers? I think it's about time these guys are questioned. The comments they made during the elections were a disgrace.

One comment : "After all he IS the President"! Peter Jennings intro on a news segment last week.:silly:


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
If you missed ABC, don't worry there is CBS. Forgot to watch that, there's NBC....missed that, read the NY Times...missed that, read the LA Times...can't get that buy the Washington post. Can't find that, get a USA Today. BUT if you want to hear the way it REALLY is...tune into Rush!

Pat, you have a good point....it's all about what you believe, or what you WILL believe. The liberal biased media knows this too, so they strive on reporting (if you call it that) so you believe what they tell you, right wrong or indifferent.

I'm so sick of these folks thinking they have all the answers in their holier-than-thou heads.
Rather.....sucks and cries.
Browkaw.....sucks and lisps.
Rush....Unstoppable pursuer of the truth.

BTW....watch Hanity and Colmbs on Fox, you will get both sides of most every issue.


Aug 5, 2001
Anybody see the show earlier in the week, "Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher?
Seems he made some comments about the US being "Cowards" because we sat on ships and planes and launches our bombs, and the guys that flew the planes into the WTC were the true Hero's.
ABC lost FEDEX as the shows major sponsor because of it.
Isn't it funny how all the Political "Bashers" have crawled in a F'n HOLE!
Cheap A@* cowards!
Sorry for the Rant.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
So who is really suprised that those who usually have a political agenda against anything republican are now supporting the effort to attack Osama bin Laden? Step back. Take a look at who these folks are. If the Republicans can do the dirty work...support them until its all over. Then life will be back to normal. Not brain surgury here guys.:)


Oct 7, 1999
Wrong, Weimedog. I've seen them before. They let Bush Sr. do the dirty work with no support. This was way more glowing than anything they dared say about his father (even though his father ran a campaign that was unbelievably perfect -- I know, the ending's muddled -- but I hope you all remember the dire predictions and the overall outcome).


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
Read my post again. And think about it.


Oct 7, 1999
Did it. And did it.

Moreover, I always read and think about what people have to say before I respond.

You had one point right -- they'll probably turn on GW soon enough (as soon as it's to their advantage to do so). BUT -- read my post -- they never gave many other Republicans credit. So I'll take this one, particular article. Okay?


Sep 9, 2001
Why do they call in the 5 o'clock news? Wouldn't a better term be the 5 o'clock opinions? Somehow, somewhere down the road the people that were paid to report what has happened are now giving their opinions on what will happen... Is that news? Who really cares what these people think? What matters is what you think about the facts .. if you can decipher the facts from the BIAS opinions :scream:


Feb 4, 2001
I took every Poli-Sci class available at the college I went to, as some might have guessed. The most important skill acquired in all those classes was learning to read bias, even on a subtle level. I remember one assignment where we were given nearly 60 articles from about 10 sources on which we had to rate the bias, identify all agendas and interpret the writers political bias using a set of rules and specialized scoring system and them our biases had to be included on each article. The class scores were tallied and there was a consensus. As I remember all the Time, NY Times, and Newsweek stories were biased towards the liberal socialistic scale. My classmates were liberals at a rate of 3 to 1 and a huge majority of us were able to find the same overall conclusions. With all that said, IMHO I am a finely tuned bias machine and I agree 100% with LT. It is still nice to see a person get an even break.

Bill O' Reilly is the best ever; he does not allow spin regardless of who you are. If he asks a question, he will not move on until the question is answered. If you disagree with him he still reads your mail on the air and answers your criticism. FNC is my only source of news these days.

Also, enjoy this freedom of political speech on DRN while it last, for it is only a short time until Okie pulls our leash back in. It's been a good run. :)


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Michael Savage

Nobody's mentioned him yet... makes Rush look like a neutered dog. At times like these, there's no one I'd rather listen to. Biased? Hell yes. He makes no bones about where he stands, and has no compassion for any person who crosses the line, regardless of party affiliation. Don't ever call in to his show, he doesn't use lube.:scream:
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