Will a 265 kit be enough?


Feb 4, 2004
I race in the Vet A classes at Winchester Speedpark in New Hampshire. They have an 11 race spring series and an 11 race fall series. They have both a motocross and supercross track and they run both during the series. This year I won the 35+A and 40+A in the spring and the 25+, 35+ and 40+ in the fall. I ride a 2005 RM250 that use to be a Motoworld Racing team bike. It is very fast but I have a hell of a time on the motocross track against the 450's, it has many long straights and is a very deep harrowed sand/loam mix. I also have a 2004 Motoworld team bike that I use for practice, last years race bike. Do those of you that have one of Eric's big bore 250's really think it is enough. I would like to put one in my 04 RM250 to use for moto next year if it would be enough. I had an 03 CRF450 but went back to two strokes because I think that they are just more fun. So is a 265 going to cut it or should I just bite the bullet and buy a 450 to use for motocross. Sorry for the long post and thanks for any input.


Jan 7, 2003
No experience with the big bore Suzuki's, but it sure helped my CR250. Coming out of tight corners was still almost a lost cause, but everywhere else the bike would accelerate as hard, if not harder than the 450's. Long straights and big uphills is where the 265 would widen the gap.


Jun 19, 2002
I'm wondering the same thing....getting ready to buy a new bike RM 265 or RMZ 450 ??????? Always had a 2 stroke but those 4's shure pull a long deep loamy uphill.....
What does a dyno chart show as a gain and where on the curve...of course everywhere but certainly more gain in some areas than others...........


Jun 8, 2004
Brett, your not going to the darkside are you? Your motoworld bikes are sweet. BTW its K-9, see you at Winchester next spring :nener:


Feb 4, 2004
Hey K-9! I just don't like being beat when it is just because I am outbiked. When I'm going down a straight and shifting up three times and a 450 just blows by me like I am standing still, I know it is the bike and not me. I love my bikes but would kill for one of my old 500's for moto. I would never sell all my 250's. I love em for supercross but if a 265 would even the score, even cut the difference in half, I would go for one in a second for moto. Half my problem is that when there are a ton of 450's at the start I end up starting mid pack and have to work up to the front. By the time I am there the race is over. I would kill for 20+2 motos instead of 4 or 5 laps. Anyone out there have a RM265 that can share their experience??


Apr 30, 2002
How about a Service Honda CR500 AF? Modern MX handling and old school, two-stroke big bore grunt in a lightweight package.


Oct 14, 2004
Hey man,

I have an Eric built 05 RM 265 and it is VERY nice. I ride the local +25A and +30A. I can go gear for gear with any 450 and KILL them in just about any turn. As long as you keep the motor spooled up right they will pull nothing on you but if you miss a shift you will feel it big time. As far as starts go I have been hit and miss. If you time the gate and your shifts right you can pull them. But if mess up at all your toast. I wish I had a little more top end but bottom and midrange are bad ass. I have an FMF Fatty and V Force 3. I have been thinking about trying a RAD valve. I hear they increase the top end a bit more that the force. I had an 02 and an 04 CRF450 and I would not trade my 265 for either of them. I recently rode a buddy of mines 05 CRF. It is def lighter and handles better than my 04 did but it is still a pig if you ask me. It just depends on your riding style. I do better on 2 strokes and I have a friend that picked up 2 sec a lap on a new 4 stroke. Go figure.


Feb 4, 2004
The more I think of it I think is worth a try. My current cylinder and head on my 04 have been done by Bill's Pipes and is very strong. Anyone know if that will mess up Eric when he does the bigbore and porting? It has a v-force 2, Bill's pipe and shorty silencer. It is supposed to be an outdoor motor but my 05 FMF built Motoworld race bike was supposed to be an arenacross bike but seems to pull longer in each gear. I wish Suzuki would come out with an RM400 2-stroke based on the 250. I would love to have a Service Honda CR500 but I pay less than as stock bike for my race bikes and couldn't justify the cost. I'd have to sell all 3 of my RM's to afford to buy one Service Honda CR500. Thanks for your input guys I'll let you know when I get the 265 kit and whatI think of it. I hope to get it before I go down to Aonia Pass over Christmas vacation, if I can get to Eric and back before then.


Nov 5, 2001
Give Eric a call, last time i was in the shop he had a 265 cylinder for sale.


Oct 14, 2004
I know what you mean about the RM400. That would be soooo cool! People think 4 strokes are so bad, the AMA should make the premier class an "open" class. Then the OEMs could build the best bike period wether it be 350cc 2 strokes or 900cc 4 strokes. Who cares?? Then we could see CRF500s and RM350s or 400s. It would be more a matter of taste and less of a "I need to ride this bike so I don't get killed in the first 100FT of a race". I don't think the engine sized would get much larger than what we have now. People forget what killed open class 2 strokes. The 250s where easier/more fun to ride and most people turned faster laps on them because they are more agile. I think this would be the only real hope for 2 strokes. Other wise, as much as I hate it, the writing is on the wall guys.
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