Will it damage my bike?


Apr 16, 2007
I am sure I have a leak of coolent in my gear oil. It is smokey and green when it comes out. I have heard that is caused by coolant. I change every couple of rides and I dont seem to lose much coolant, infact the oil is the only sighn that I am losing any coolant. Will this do any damage if I continue to ride? As long as I stay ontop of the oil changes and wait to fix the problem until I have some time. :think:


Oct 8, 2000
Or you could play the 98% odds and fix the leaky water pump seals.

If you leave it in there I assure that it won't explode and kill your poodle while you sleep, but coolant is bad for bearings and it sorta interferes with the OIL doing its job very well.
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