Winter Maintenance


Jun 26, 2001
Old man winter has finally shown his face.:p This means that I won't be riding for 3-4 months.:eek::ugg: What should I do to my bike (02 CR250) before I send it to bed?

Thanks in advance,
Andrew :(


Feb 14, 2002
l. Keep it in a warm garage (35 degrees and above) if possible, and just go out and start it once in awhile. Some of these winters do not even qualify as winters. Just get it out on the thaw days and run it for awhile.

2. Get those studs in the tires and get ready to ride the lake and river ice. No need to lay it over for winter. You don't put your wife away for the winter----or do you?
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Peer Lovell

Nov 25, 1999
1. Wash the bike
2. Spray anything that might rust with WD40
3. Change the trans. fluid
4. Drain tank and float bowl
5. Put 2 teaspoons of premix down plug hole and turn over. Leave piston in top position. Replace plug.
6. If storing outside, remove air filter, close opening with duct tape.
7. If rodents are a problem, plug exhaust and take seat in doors.
8. Put bike on a stand.
Don't play with the bike in cold weather. Any moisture inside the forks will tear the seals.
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