Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
And..The checks are in the mail!

Thanks to the generosity of the DRN members, we pulled together a total of $900 ($300 each) for Nicole, Suzy, and Amanda.

Sponsorship packages with DRN stickers, t-shirts and checks were sent out Priority mail on Tuesday, you ladies should see them any day now. Nicole, your signed jersey and pictures are in with the sponsorship kit.

Thanks everyone, for helping these ladies pursue their dreams!
Good luck in France, and please report in when you can!!


Sep 1, 2000
WOW! It is great to see how much support we have been given. We certainly appreciate it. My husband and I have already decided that next year we will set money aside to help out other riders. We leave on Tuesday and will start racing the following Monday. The offical site is www.isde-france.com. They might have updates on the riders that you can check out. If you can find the Garrahan's website they will probably have stuff posted too! I plan to get my mom signed up so when I call her she can put a post on. Hopefully she will do it. When I was in europe last time she would send me letters that were on post-its so she would not have to write much. Hopefully she will do better here. Thanks Again! Nicole


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Way to go DRNers. It may not bankroll them but every little bit helps.:)

To Nicole, Suzy, and Amanda
you ladies have made us all proud to be a small part of this. I want to wish each of you great success at the ISDE and will be waiting anxiously to haer of your adventures and successes.

Good luck we are already proud of you
Dave and thekid
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