Wonder why SX doesn't get respect


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
First off thank fully ESPN sees fit to show the races but until they get a production crew that knows and cares about the sport it will never get the respect of the masses.
Tonight watching the broadcast it jumped out where again Cammeron makes his dimwitted tips at the start of the race. His words of advice will be the magic carpet to the podium at least that is what he would want you to believe. Tonights first tip BREAK LAST :yikes: Well I suppose the last guy to BREAK himself would win but I truely believe he meant in the start to BRAKE LAST.
At least we don't have to put up with the tearoff primer 101 (mud in your eye-BAM pull here and you have clear vision :blah: ) on TV they only reserve that for you at the live event :rotfl:

Then in the middle of the race the leader goes down and we hear about it but have to wait for a replay of the taped replay to see it. :think: This seems to be a common complaint every week that the producer decides to cut to commercial or miss the critical parts as they pretend to be showing the race live. It is a tape so why not produce it in a way that they show the highpoints as they happened.
Why can't they bring in a producer that has some bike experience instead of a guy who appears to come from a stick or ball sport where there are built in commercial breaks in the action.


Nov 5, 2001
its amazing how many crucial moments they miss during the commercials.

However, thats a general US thing- i can remember hearing that when USA scored their first ever goal in the World Cup (Soccer) that everyone missed it since they had the adds on.

Isnt the adds the best bit of the superbowl??? that and Janets tit, LOL!!!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
bclapham said:
. . . USA scored their first ever goal in the World Cup (Soccer) that everyone missed it since they had the adds on.
the USA has a soccer team? :rotfl:


May 4, 2004
Indeed Oldguy.


Jan 30, 2000
That tickled me too "break last" - DOH!


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
The excuse I've seen offered is that because of the short turnaround time the broadcast is set up as Live to Tape. Essentially they have all the commercial breaks prescheduled and have to adapt around that. They don't edit the tape to setup the broadcast around what happened unfortunately.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I have said it before - I would rather they delay the broadcast and do a better job.

If you listen to the live webcast (which has its own problems) you often hear about great battles that NEVER get shown on TV.

Too bad no RC helmet cam this week. I hope he will wear it again now that he has broke his one race losing streak!


Mar 7, 2001
Break last,, I thought he meant not to miss break fast!!!


Nov 30, 2003
Perhaps the "NFL Films" camera crew or the guys that cover NASCAR. Multiple cameras and split screens. I am sure glad we had to see the replay of the stupid butter-nut holeshot. How many times have we missed a pass or a leader go down? About as often as we hear this,"While we were way for a commercial the lead changed".

My favorite was watching RC's interview for the stadium crowd but with no audio. He was the background for some advertisment.

If we can't get rid of the announcers, could we convince them to stop yelling throughout the whole race? The race is exciting enougn, I don't think they need to manufacture excitment by yelling. This is SX not WWF.

Sorry, I had to vent, Steve.


May 30, 2002
I don't know about you guys, but I would like to actually see the semi's and lcq races. I would rather see more racing and less interviews.


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Lonewolf said:
I don't know about you guys, but I would like to actually see the semi's and lcq races. I would rather see more racing and less interviews.

Me too! If i want to see an interview i'll read about it. Interviews are easy to read but races are kinda hard to read.


Feb 28, 2005
AMEN! :bang:


May 30, 2002
Treejumper said:
Me too! If i want to see an interview i'll read about it. Interviews are easy to read but races are kinda hard to read.

They always ask such stupid questions too. A lot of times the racers don't even know what to say I think, and it seems like the they start rambling whatever comes to mind.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
Just once I'd love to have them say what they REALLY think:

Announcer lady w/ the big jugs: It's great to see you on the podium, it's probably bittersweet for you though. What kept you from that elusive #1 spot?

Rider XYZ: Well, you see, me and my mechanic plus some other guys, hell I don't hardly remember who they were...you see we went out to titty bars last night across the river. The bike ran like crap, b/c our testing and set-up got cut waayyy short over the past few days partying. I gotta give thanks to my sponsors though, ya'll know who you are, it says your name right there on my bike! Spud, good job on the bike set-up...maybe next time we can get more than 15 minutes before the race. Oh and thanks for picking up my bar tab last night.
Anyway, it SUCKS to be third place, RC is a puss and I was flat smokin' him in practice. I ain't happy just to be here and if this bike doesn't start working better out there, I'm outta here...
What you got going on later momma, you looking hot in that tight little shirt...I can give you an exclusive later, if you know what I mean


Sep 11, 2002
Hey at least espn is showing the races. I do believe super-x is way to dangerous for anyone to race, and think espn is under presure from somewhere, cause they never show bad crashes. Like last week they cut away at the last moment before a crash..ie bryne in the whoops.

But at the end of the day, its a lot better than nothing.
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