XR200 bogging..plus other maintenance ?'s


Mar 13, 2004
my friend just bought a 1996 xr200. tonight when we were riding the bike started bogging, even if you revved it to the moon and dropped the clutch. I put the gas on reserve and it ran fine, then he tried it in the "on" position and it ran ok for about an hour then it continued bogging (he has lots of gas :).
we were looking in his tank before and we seen somethign that looked like a rock, i took the tank off and it almost looked like tar, when you shook it it stretched right out, then when the gas settled the particles came back together forming a clump the size of a nickel. Could this be causing the bike to bog (dirt in gas?). Also, what type of tranny oil should he use? is the drain bolt that big nut on the lower left side of the case below the gear shifter? (if so, what a stupid place for it, and the nut is at least 23 mil.) How much oil does it take? Im afriad the owner before him has never even changed the tranny oil.. :ohmy: sorry for all the questions, but ive never worked on a thumper, and he has no manual to work with.

P.S. a little tech question..does the tranny oil lubricate the top and bottom end on a 4 stroke such as an xr? but it doesnt actually burn oil..so a 4 stroke wouldnt smoke at all right?


Oct 4, 2003
That goop sounds like varnish, from gas sitting in the tank for too long. Im pretty sure the petcock is removable, just take it off and clean it real good. Id dump the tank and also clean the crab while i was at it. Yes that big nut is the oil drain. He should use a 10w40 or even a 20w50(really hot conditions) in it. I personally really liked the Honda Gn4 i think, Hondas 4 stroke motor oil when i had an xr200. It should probly take a little over a quart. It has a dip stick so you can just guage it on that. The oil for the crankcase lubes everything. It shouldnt smoke, if it does just watch the oil level. If it smokes hardcore then it needs a top end. Also ive seen alot of the xr's smoke on start up. This is the valve seals just weeping a little oil while the engine sits, nothing to worry about.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Also make sure that the air filter gets cleaned on a regular basis, too. A plugged filter on that bike is very noticeable-- it won't run well at all.
My old '87 XR200 seemed to have the ability to scoop up dirt and stones with the rear tire and deposit them right in the air box. Clean it one week, and it would be filled with dirt & debris in a couple short rides.


Mar 13, 2004
thanks for the help bogde, that makes sense because the guy he bought the bike off didnt ride it for awhile. ya we cleaned the filter, I was amazed how quickly it got dirtied again, its so concealed, and well, its an XR! ;)


Jun 10, 2004
thanks for the info i think i need to clean out my gasfilter in the petcock, and alos when i put the oil in i couldnt get the drain screw out so there was some old oil in it and i put a litre in it so thats probably why it was smokin a bit, would it be a bad idea to run some fuel stabalizer through it? and should i drain the oil and put new oil in it? i used castrol 20W 50(it said for 4 stroke motorcycles) is that an ok oil to use?


Oct 4, 2003
You just added oil, didnt drain the old? How high is the oil level now?


Jun 10, 2004
the oil level is just at the fill line when i checked the oil there was none in the bike, i dont kno why? i even tipped the bike over to the side where the oil stick isand there was still none then i tried running it and when i checked the oil there was hardly any on the stick i dont kno why there was no oil since it doesnt burn oil, the bike took just under a litre, in the manual it says .9L is how much oil it should take and i put a bit less than that in it
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