
May 30, 2001
Need websites for xr75, xr80 hopups.

I used to have about 5 of them, hadn't checked them in years, and when I finally picked up an old xr80, the sites are all gone.

Interested in plastic, plastic tank, header, swingarm, shock springs, shocks, fork springs, tuning ideas for fat guys... ;)

I picked up a ragged out 1981 xr80, got it running yesterday, and all the kids in the neighborhood have declared it the "shizzle". Heck, I think it's the "shizzle" as well :thumb:

Many thanks,


Oct 25, 2002
0 has the motor mods and has the header, better than powrolls.

Thier is a sight called or something like that, it's for all xr's.

Thier is a excellent sight for xr's but I believe it's for xr100's, but all the chassis mods work on the 80.

I'll look up all my notes from when we mx a XR80, it was realy sweet and fast in the 80cc 2 stroke class.

As far as the shock, well works shocks are the only one I ever found that made a replacement shock.

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