Yet another jetting question


Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
Most of you know that I like the way the bike runs now. However, the more and more times I keep hearing about single taper needles, the more curious I get. So here goes. What single taper needle are you using in your 2000 250EXC? Right now I'm with a NOZE needle in the 3rd with a 42p, 172 m. Still using the stock slide. Bike runs great, but I do need to lean the main just a little because of the temps here right now. FMF Powercore II silencer, otherwise she's still stock. Makes my buddy on his 2000 YZ250 mad, since he's put an SST pipe, FMF shorty, and V-Force to edge me out. :cool:


Nov 8, 1999
CEJ, and CEK (1368J, 1369J) seem to be the two most common choices for the 250. I run a 1367N(CGH), but I am at altitude and run a #7 slide, and ride a 300. A straight taper needle really smooths the power, and lets you have it all. You will need to experiement with clip position start at #3. You will also need to increase the size of your main a couple of steps. Sudco sells the needles for $5 a piece plus shipping, jets are around $4. Good Luck
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