My 1999 YZ 125 kills plugs. I isn't like a normal foul, it only kills plug when (ex.) I go hard, then let off the gas into the turn, then accelerate 1/2 way into the birm, and the bike boogs down and dies. It does this when it is hot to. It seems to foul when alot of gas is poured into it. It dosen't just foul the plugs, it kills them, after a plug dies on me, it has no spark, and never sparks again. I run 40.1 mix in my bike, and ride it pretty hard. Also, sometimes it feels as if it is skipping, and the rpms will go down then back up again, even though the throtle stays pinned. Could this be the CDI unit, or what, I really need to know, I kill 4 to 5 plugs a practice.
IM me at prest989 or e-mail me at [email protected], thanks.
IM me at prest989 or e-mail me at [email protected], thanks.