YZ250 spark arrestor issues?!?!


Nov 5, 2001
I run a 2001 YZ250 with a FMF SST pipe and a 'shorty' silencer, which is of course not forest legal. I looked into (i actually have one on order) a COBRA SPARKY bolt on spark arrestor. i really liked the idea of this item, since i can ride MX tracks without a big long silencer hanging out of the back of the bike and then i can bolt on the COBRA when i go to the desert. In addition, it only costs $55 rather than $125 for a complete new powercore II silencer.

But, i finally got a reply from FMF support and they said not to use the COBRA because it would cause loss of power (which also contradicts the claims of COBRA!).

i really like the set up of the COBRA system, and a small loss of power is not too big an issue for me since i only ride for fun.

does anyone have any experience or suggestions with these matters?? and will the bolt on COBRA cause any additional problems which would be a greater concern of mine (eg. messed up jetting or mechanical troubles etc.), or should i send the COBRA back and save up for the full powercore spark arrestor?

thanks in advance



Nov 12, 2001
Can't help you with the Cobra, but I just swapped the OE silencer out on my '02 YZ250 with a FMF 'Q' S/A. The difference in length isn't very noticeable, as it only protrudes past the sideplate by about 2". The only bad part is getting some spooge on top of the fender. :)


Nov 5, 2001
Thaks guys:

its on now and we will see how it works out in the up-coming weeks. judging on how hard it was to get on i hope it wont drop off while riding! but i expect after it has been on and off a few times (when going to tracks or trails) the very soft aluminum will stretch and the unit will get more loose and falling off might become an issue. time will only tell!

maybe in saving $75 i might have to go and spend another $125 on the turbine core.....hopefully not but we will see!



CR 250 MXer

Jan 30, 2002
I've used a Sparky spark arestor for three years now on my CR 250 without a problem. It is held on with a hose clamp and I can't see how it could ever fall off. It never has for me anyway. I went with the Sparky for all the same reasons you mentioned. I really haven't noticed power loss. I think it's a great economical alernative to a perminant spark arestor. Just remember to take it apart and clean it every 10 hours, not a big deal though, you probably have to clean the other ones too. Good luck with your decision.
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