Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
The latest edition of Dirt Bike caught me with an article about modifying the YZ250 to a two-stroke enduro. As has become more usual for Dirt Bike, they sure skimmed the subject. While they were good at putting up a shopping list of fluff to make the bike enduro-ready, not ONE WORD on how the thing rode! :(


Sep 5, 2001
:scream: Them and MXA seem to like to not bother going into a subjective review of bikes. They like to throw out insults and catchy phrases instead of just riding and breaking down the catagories of power, handling, suspension, ergonmics, reliability. They like to use words like 'it runs like a weaker sister of this bike', or it is 'trying to pass of bug spray as carbration'. When I bother to actually read one there reviews, I usally don't know any more about the bike and end up being turned off by all the insults that throne out against the bike. All the bikes are good and don't deserve some of there so called reporting. Maybe they will quit letting jr high students write their reviews and it will get better. MXA is pretty cockey.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
No kidding. Even I could have written in more on the bike than a parts list. I think it must have ben a "filler". Maybe the layout guys said "we need five more pages, fellas".

How 'bout the article on camping? "Do what you normally, but this time bring your motorcycle" could have saved three pages, and left room for more pictures of pretty scenery.

The Husaberg article was the only one that I read with interest,but that's just because I'm soaking up stuff on the Euro bikes like a dry sponge right now. And so little is written about the Swedish bikes. I could give a rip about how Suzuki whittled off .0002 " of metal off the piston on the new RM 125. For crap's sake, who cares? Gimme something worth reading.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
You guys misunderstood the purpose of the article. It wasn't intended to be a test, it was a five page long advertisement for the big-bucks advertisers in their mag, mainly Pro-Circuit. It was a "See? We use their stuff, so you should too!" article.:think :p


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
doesn't he sometimes write about his group of riding buddies.... what do they call themselves?


Mar 7, 2001
I haven't read the article, but when the mags do an enduro conversion, all they do is throw parts at it. Usually the parts aren't what I would use though. Any Jap 125 or 250 would make a great enduro conversion bike with minmal changes, depending upon the area you ride and what you want the bike to look like. The more you spend, the better they get. The YZ250 that David Fretigne took to second overall at the ISDE was probably pretty close to stock other than a lighting coil, WR lights and rear fender, and Ohlins suspension.


Apr 11, 2001
Conga Line?

Originally posted by zio
doesn't he sometimes write about his group of riding buddies.... what do they call themselves?

One of 'em, Mark Getzfrid, is a member of our club - TWMC in SoCal. His latest horse is an XR650R, and with his size (6'4", 200 lbs+) fits it quite well. Tho I have yet to meet him, he & his dad do sponsor the January enduro - it's a mean one, south of Jawbone.

His dad is retired, & we've worked some checks with him at the event two years ago. He can tell some fine ol' enduiro stories.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
yeah,I was just thinking it was funny, his screenname, and the post, and the fact he's been a member for so long, with so few posts.... :think

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