Hey guys so heres the deal
I purchased a 02' YZ125 in August 07 and rode it about once a week on the trails. and 3x at the track all summer
The Good:
1. Reliability. Started first kick everytime
2. Good bang for buck. Never needed a top end. great compression
3. Weight. Was comfortably light. not really gonna get any lighter
The Bad:
1. The seat height was too high. I could BARELY tippy toe it
2. Was snappy and sometimes unpredictable. I am 5'7 145. Good power to weight ratio
3. The reason I sold it is because throttle control in the air I HATED
When my bike would go really nose heavy, Cracking the throttle did not bring it up quickly for me. It mainly JUST stopped it from going Even more nose heavy
Now I am stuck between 2 choices. a 250 4 stroke or a 250 2 stroke
Now heres my experience
1. 2004 YZ250f- Was different. gears felt like they ran out quicker than 2 stk. but it was really great in the loose stuff and caught good traction. Easier. I felt like I was quicker on it
2. 2008 KTM 250sx- I hated. I rode it at Gopher Dunes in Ontario. all loose sand. and It felt very snappy, and the gas felt like it wasnt very user friendly. it did not have as good roll on throttle as the 250f. It was VERY powerful. it kept up there with the 450sx-f
I did enjoy the KTM 200xc (2stroke) and the KTM 300xc(2stroke) very much!
My question is..Is there any 250 2stroke or Motocross bikes that closely resemble the KTM 200xc? I loved that bike. except They are very rare and overpriced here. So I have to choose between a newer (04/05) YZ250f and YZ250
(Sorry im set to Yamaha for a 4stroke. 2004 or newer)
(I dont know too much on the 2502stks. I havent read up on whos bike is the most user friendly)
Any opinions or experiences?
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