
Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by IrishEKU


I'm sorry I made light of your situation or of any cat owners.

Irish... I didn't see this thread for awhile since it was moved.

I took no offense and thought nothing of your post other than a good reason to say something about me :)



Jan 10, 2003
Originally posted by Cam Mitchell

You don't seem to understand any better than that punk did/does. Are you the same person?
It sure is easy to talk tough on the internet. I am having a hard time restraining myself here but I really don't want to sink to that level. I hope I don't see you beating your dog at DW. :thumb:

I have to agree - dogs are like children and a lot of people that have the privilege of getting a dog just don't understand that. They have feelings and emotions just like people do and if you decide to have a pet then you need to have a lot of patience in the training process - my dog chewed 8 pairs of my shoes when he was a puppy among other things and we never once beat on him for it - you show the dog what he did wrong and maybe give him a little tap on the nose, but to beat on the animal is the same as beating a child in my opinion! It's definitely not easy training a dog but if you make the decision to have one then you need to realize the responsibility thats involved. :whiner:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by limitless
I mean I have been known to beat the holy crap out my dog - I always feel sorry but IMO I'd rather wap her a good one in the mouth & maybe a few to the ribs then have a dead dog in the road(she wont go in the road, she stops 3 ft before it & gets praise for it!)!

How about fencing?

For less than a new Fox helmet and a pair of Alpinestars you can have a large amount of land fenced in. I know... I'm getting fencing for my dog right now. I'm sacrificing a chest protector, new boots and a helmet (none of which I need, I just want a newere set).

She is a young collie and wants to "herd" every passing car. Since I don't have the fencing right now I keep her in a 10x20 pen and let her out 2 times a day to run and play with my wife and I. We take as much time as we can to play with her and keep her entertained instead of beating her when she wanders a little. We then bring her in at night and play with her for about 30 minutes to an hour before we go to bed.

Every other weekend or so we try to take her to my mothers where she can play on 11 acres with other dogs. She usually comes home so tired she just goes into the house and sleeps.

This dog has been with us for less than 2 months and is a year old and the vet says she has been on her own for about 6 months. Considering her age and her nature to chase things I think we did a good job getting her to want to stick around the back yard when she is out (sometimes unattended - she just comes up to the porch now and waits for us).

We did it all without more than a small pop on the hiney. We did not even need to use a lot of treats... just old fashion praise and petting when she does good. That and a squeky toy :)

It's not a time issue. I travel for work and don't get home till after 7pm usually. However, my wife and I make a point to keep her a big part of our life so she will be healthy and happy (just as us). I have had to sacrifice some study time and some time on DRN but it is more than worth it. I am looking forward to getting the backyard fenced in so she can run more while we are at work.



Aug 11, 2002
Originally posted by Truespode

the vet says she has been on her own for about 6 months.

I had a dog who was on her own, one of the best dog's I've ever "owned". I swear this dog would be .5 mile away and I would call her (scream at the top of my lungs) and 10-15 muinutes later she would be runnin full speed across my field.  I think they have more respect for people who show them love.....

My dog is VERY stuburn. We do have a fenced in backyard, the only issue is when I'm working in the garage (and have to have the door open).  I know I could just leave her in the backyard, but she hates it sooo much and I like her company. I play with her as much as possible, and take her out to ride with me whenever I can.

I dont know why but this dog will not listen to anyone but me most of the time....Maybe because she knows she'll get in trouble from me? Now it's to the point where there is no need for me to hit, just a point of the finger and she know's shes doing somthing wrong and she better stop.



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by limitless

I dont know why but this dog will not listen to anyone but me most of the time....Maybe because she knows she'll get in trouble from me

I'd venture to guess she only listens to you b/c she equates obedience to fear. When dealing with animals I found that for the most part patience will beat stubborness much more effectively than pain.

Now I'm not saying "don't spank" but there is a line that should not be crossed.

I don't know you or your dog so I'm not saying you are a bad owner b/c I know perfectly well how easy things get confused online. I just see some of the things written as being over the line when it comes to disciplining the dog.



Nov 18, 2001
I just hope and pray that when interveining,the Good guy doesn't get hurt.

You guys know how it is out there. There're alot of crazies out there to where
sometimes I think,is it really worth it.
Risking your life or the people that are with you,especially the little ones.

Dont get me wrong,please.
When you have people out there pulling weapons on you just for over taking them on the highway, Or when your helping a spouse out and come to find out she pulls a gun on you because your kicking her husband's ash.
Just be careful,I know you guys are, but,you'll never know. :|
It's just way outta hand nowaday's.


Aug 11, 2002
You may consider my methods harsh, I dunno. I'm sure I have crossed the\your line on occasion, but it's done with love & is done carfully. By carfully I mean that no matter how mad I get I wont hurt her bad enough that the effects would be felt the next day(I have my own line).
This dog does not respond to little spanks, she does one of two things...either she doesnt even blink an eye and continues what shes doing or she stops and waits till you arnt looking.... I know this cause I tried the spank thing for the first year and a half and her behavior just got worse, but I will say in the last year or so her whole attitude has changed, she doesnt do any of the major things that she used to do (I.e. tearing up walls)...maybe it is out of fear of pain....thats fine with me, but I dont think thats it. She is truly a pleasure to be around now (more than she was) and we have had no major "altercations" in at least 8 months.

In short my methods worked with THIS dog, however harsh or mean its what had to be done. The effort I have put in to keeping my pup in line has been well worth it in the long run. I'm very proud of her progress and trust me I let her know it.
I dont mean to be defensive here, Its just hard to explain over the internet the whole situation/history



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by limitless

I dont mean to be defensive here, Its just hard to explain over the internet the whole situation/history

I'm not taking you as being defensive. It appears harsh from my perspective over the cyberspace wire but I'm not there.

I just have a very low tolerance for animal abuse. When I was in Jr. High a local kid (only about 8 or so) grabbed one of my puppies while I was at school and threw it up against a cement water pipe several times... killing it. Since then I've been very protective over pets. I can handle abuse towards adult humans easier than I can animals.



Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by RJ-KDX
AMEN, Truespode. My wife and I have respect for humans, BUT it comes AFTER animals. :p
I don't think that's what he really meant. Human life ALWAYS comes before an animal, however an animal should NEVER be abused.


Aug 12, 2002
I'm sorry I didn't mean it to sound like that, BUT that is how WE feel. All of the animals we have seen have been from neglect and abuse. All of this is from people, and to say the least I'm NOT a people person. And you can quote me on that.
Last edited:


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Note that I qualified my animal as a pet... one in which relies on ME to care for it and protect it. Yes, we use animals for experimentation and we hunt. I eat meat and I am not saying that there is no food chain.

However, I have more loyalty to my pets than I do people. A person can call the cops when they are being abused (I'm not going into that just making a distinction) but my pets have nobody but me.

It is a major responsibility. Its like having a child except you can't teach a pet to grow up and take care itself.



Aug 12, 2002
Truespode, No problems here. My wife is vegan, and she's got me down to fish and fowl. We don't agree with hunting and experimentation (hold all comments, this is not the place :thumb: ).

Right now we have 1 White English Angora Rabbit(abandoned), 2 Ferrets(1 given up, the other we, or I should say our ferret adopted), 1 Chow Shepherd Mix(rescued,mine), 1 Siberian Husky(abandoned), and a bunch of cats(all rescues).

To say it's like having kids, is an understatement.


Aug 11, 2002
wow, if someone hurt my dog all sanity would leave me (let alone kill her). Abuse in any form towards anyone is wrong.

Once I had a dog who was killed so they could do an autopsy to see if she had rabbies. She did bite someone but that person kicked her in the face real hard about 4 times before she bit her (this dog never bit anyone up until then!). The lady had no reason to even touch the dog. either way she decided to sue us for her being stupid. Well, the judge thought the 3 witnesses were lieing (or somthing) and ordered her to be put down (to check for rabbies) because the woman was not willing to get the rabbie shots (that way my dog wouldnt of had to die!) What really ticks me off about it is that the woman basically just wanted money, she told us (my parents) when it happened if we gave her some money she wouldnt sue (the amount was quite large)!

I too have lost animals to stupid people so I see where you are coming from...


BTW - I dont agree with experimenting on dogs AT ALL!!

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