
Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Well, it all started Wednesday with a phone call from my good friend and long time riding buddy, Randy. He called and said his "long awaited and much needed 1 month vacation" with his wife was going to begin early next week. This meant that our weekly rides are over for 30 DAYS :( He then proceeded to tell me that he had successfully convinced his wife that he may be facing the last ride of the season (my wife stopped buying into that scheme about 23 years ago - we have only been married 24). He asked if there was anyway I could spare my Thursday for a ride.. Yea, right, I told him that I HAD TO WORK, but that I could ride as soon as the job was done. He arrived at my house about 11:30, we stopped at B-King in Fremont and we were crossing the Lincoln Hills Bridge by 2:30 on the bikes :) My favorite "Boon Trail" was now covered in leaves just like Evart was earlier in the week. The cool fall air combined with the fall smell of downed leaves was just plain INVIGORATING!! We headed North and soon discovered that leaf covered stumps are just as challenging as leaf covered rocks and roots! Also folks, that particular trail has NOT gotten any wider over time!! If you like it tight, try the MCCCT section beyond M-55 - WHAT A RIOT (actually the 1 miler before 55 is just as much fun)!!! We got into the tight stuff and started playing like "trials riders" and began looking for trail stumps to jump. I watched Randy take a 1 1/2 footer and pull a good 3 foot of air off it!! I followed his lead and came down with a mouth full leaves from the foliage above the trail :) Randy started laughing at me cause I couldn't see where I was
going... There are really neat, tight, trials type hills also on this section that we had a BALL on!! At one point I was leading at a "crawl" speed on my KX500. I was in 3rd gear just above idle (testing my 14 oz flywheel weight and new rear tire for traction) and trials riding up one of these BIG hills with Randy right on my tail. I came to a section very similar to the "staircase" at EVART. I wheelied the first case but the second root came to soon and my KX stalled just as I jumped over it (keep in mind this is all happening at a crawl". Randy, of course, tried to climb around me and FELL sideways on the hill :) .
Of course I got the blame for that one - hey what are riding buddies for.... WHAT A
BLAST!! We broke into a section of all Maple trees that was so intense you almost
could not stand to ride thru it!! This is the first time in my life that I have ever
experienced ANYTHING like this! The forest floor was BRIGHT with freshly fallen
yellow leaves and the trees were still covered with them as well - it was UNREAL!! The color was so intense that your eyes could hardly stand to look at it - and then to try and ride thru it WOW!!! The color was so COMPLETE from the ground up that my eyes had a hard time decerning the difference between the ground and the trees!! IT WAS BEYOND DESCRIPTION!! Randy and I do A LOT of cross country riding (kinda dualsporting) and, like I said before, tend to get lost occasionally. We ride this area alot so I told randy that I wanted to follow some of the 2 tracks that intersect the MCCCT and see if we could find some "quick ways" into Boon if
the need ever arose. We played on the 2 track for about an hour, got lost 4 or 5 times, hooked up on a southbounder, came out somehow on M-55, put on our "warm street clothing" and headed for Lincoln Hills!! Randy was followed me (big mistake) and I somehow got us back to the "east side" of the Lincoln Hills bridge off State road - A TRUE MIRACLE!!! We crossed the Bridge - hot footed to the Jeep on the 2 tracks and pulled in at dark!!! Randy said, man it is COLD!!!!! I said yea, but a small price to pay for the perfect day we just had!! He agreed and we headed for dinner..
Ride when you can folks...


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Originally posted by woodsy
... He then proceeded to tell me that he had successfully convinced his wife that he may be facing the last ride of the season (my wife stopped buying into that scheme about 23 years ago

My wife "caught on" to that trick about mid-summer this year.

<pleading voice on>

"But the [insert R.O.S., CCC event, Loose Moose, Jack Pine, Stump Jumper, UP-300, TF here] only happens once a year!"

<pleading voice off>

Once she realized that "every" ride was only once a year, I needed to get more creative!

Now its "TrailFest is the last ride of the year.." :ugg:

And "The Turkey Creek enduro Nov 2nd is the *last* enduro of the year..."

Next up is "This is my first time ever riding in the snow with studded tires..."


When I retire, I want to ride like Woodsy.... :thumb:
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