
Dec 2, 2001
It seems the next open practice is june 9th. They have a harescramble june 2nd that I will be attending, and there is an open class sharp!!


Dec 2, 2001
Heres how it went...

First of all, sorry to call you so early dave! Before I hung up yesterday, I said, "See ya at the race tomorrow" then you said "See you soon". I could barely hear you anyway, so I'm not surprised there was a mis-communication.

I got there at around 6:40, and went up to the sign up hut. I registered for the race, and went back. Practice was an absolute mess. The track was very muddy, and I only got up to 3rd gear the entire time. Most of my time was spent in first gear with the tire spinning madly, and me paddling with my feet to try and move. We got only one lap of practice, and a very muddy bike. It was clay, none of that dirt stuff. After I completed my lap of practice I went in and passed the time picking the clay off my bike with a stick. Kyle (aka kylestyle1) and I went up to the gate when it was time. We loaded up at the gate, and started the bikes and warmed them up. The guy flashed the "1" symbol on the board, and everyone revved their bikes and got in the starting position waiting for the gate to drop. The gate never dropped. Somehow, a kid had managed to jump the gun and fall over. I looked at the kid, and someone was helping him up. I looked back at the gate, and then it fell. I let off the front brake and let the clutch out. I had a good start for about 5-6 feet, until the kid next to me wheelied up, then the kid next to him wheelied up and looped out. The kid who looped out's bike started to wander in my direction, so i hit the brakes to avoid him. After I got around him, I got going again. I passed a few people after I got out of that kid's way. I rode through the area after the first turn, then went onto that long sraightaway. While I was on the straightaway, I passed kyle. He passed me back in the sharp right hander after the straightaway, because I got in the same rut as some really slow kid on a yz with a purple chest protector. I was behind him in the straightaway before the first jump, and right before the turn at the bottom of the first jump, he crashed. I was about 20 feet behind him, and I jammed on the brakes. I felt the bike beginning to endo, but just barely, (The front tire locked up in the b\mud but I stayed straight because it was in a rut) I hit the kid's bike at aout 10 mph, and did a full endo - to faceplant. I was alright and not hurt, but my boot was trapped beneath the ground and the radiatior. I spent probably 15 seconds pulling my foot out from under the bike, and I got back up and started it with no problem, and rode off.I went for about a lap and passed 4-5 people, and got kyle in sight again. I came off the 90 foot table top, and landed in 5th gear with the power on. There were alot of very deep ruts ( i was standing at the time) right after the landing, and my front wheel got in one, then started to dig into the wall of the rut (you know how it is!). It washed out, dug in, and flipped the bike over in another endo. I was thrown 20 feet from the bike, and was not hurt bad( mud is cushy), but somehow i got a big bruise on my thigh from it hitting the bars when I went over. I got up, and rode to the finish.

I placed 19 out of 26 and kyle placed 12 out of 26. Not bad for a first race where I crashed twice!

I would do this again anyday. I had a blast!!


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Dell, sounds like a blast. I knew it would be a glue-fest so I stayed home and did yard work. Yea! Plus after last weekend I had told myself not to push hard. Really wish we could have gotten together, Mike has some good ideas for a jaunt to the west of us. If it is too far for your folks I'll be more than glad to pull your bike. By the way, ...did you ride the second moto, you are home early?


Dec 2, 2001
I ran the air filter cap on my bike and it ran like crap. I was trying to find you so ya could help me mess with the airscrew and get it running right. It blew spooge and smoke. It also popped and crackled.


Jan 17, 2001
I would say for now, the current jaunt would be Thunder Valley. It is from what TheHondaPilot tells me a similar style track. Here's a picture. I have never been to Devils Ridge so I can only go by what he says. I actually went to TV last weekend and had a good time. The guy grooms the track before each practice and has a pretty good watering system to keep the place damp. We had fun. That's just one idea, we can look for more. It is in Yadkinville not very far north of the I40 and I77 intersection. You guys would have a decently straight shot at it just going down I40.

What do you think of the pictures?

Dell, all you need to do is stay on two wheels and you'll win as fast as you were going!
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Dec 2, 2001
LOL... I won practice because I was the only one that didnt crash. That place was so muddy that everyone was dropping like flies. I was sitting on my bike at the gate when a guy on a cr250 pulled up. I asked him how the track was. He said "Have you ever seen one of those blackwater 100 videos?" "Yeah" "Well' its kinda like that... I dont know how you 80 guys will do, with those small tires and all"

I only crashed once on my own fault though. That 2nd one hurt bad, and I was a little shaken, but i spent less time on the ground than I did in the first wreck.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Originally posted by MikeT
I would say for now, the current jaunt would be Thunder Valley. It is from what TheHondaPilot tells me a similar style track. Here's a picture.
Thunder Valley Motopark it is! Mike set the date, post a thread, invite everyone except the pope, and lets get ready to ride, I know how to keep it from raining ..... I'll seed my yard, that always works. :think:
Originally posted by MikeT I have never been to Devils Ridge
Yea, we are going to fix that too! :eek:
Originally posted by MikeT What do you think of the pictures?
The track looks good, safe and should provide a good foundation for my bikes tires, except there are a few launch sites! :confused:
Later all,


Dec 2, 2001
How about this sunday at Eastern carolina MX park? I will be there to continue the AMA Spring series, Anyone else coming?

We could rent eastern carolina MX park for 200 bucks a day. This covers up to 25 bikes. I know 6 people that would gladly pay 20 bucks apiece to come (family and friends who ride). We could easily cover the 200 dollar fee. I emailed the owner and he said that we could rent the track any day there was not an event.

their website is


Jan 17, 2001
First, the pictures are very accurate to the actual track. They did a good job taking them. The only thing I would say is that the jumps are a little (just a little) smaller than they depict due to the angle the picture was taken at, which is fine with me ;)

As far as dates, I can set a date, but I just want it to be OK with dell because he has to check with his parents. I also have to check with the wife. I think either of these days will work but I still have to check with my agent (wife)

There is Saturday, May18th
and the next Saturday May 25th.

Don't set either one of these in stone until I talk to my agent but how do these dates sound to you guys? I'll email JamesP and chsck with some others. I think TheHondaPilot is out of commission (broken foot) but he is an iron man (and also young enough) that broken bones don't matter.... :silly: but I'll talk with him also.

Let me call my agent and get the OK first. Mike
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Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by JamesP
I am planning on going on the 18th.
Still waiting for my wife to get home before I emailed anyone. She'll be home about 1:30 or so then I can talk to her. I really don't see any reason why the 18th wouldn't be OK on this end. Give me a couple more hours.



Jan 17, 2001
The new thread is up!

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