Forward Motion Closed for the Summer

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Eric Gorr

Engine Builder
Jun 29, 1999
Although I first stated that the shop would stop accepting work on April 29, I've moved that up to right now. We just have too much work and we want to clear it out in time for the move. If you need any of the type of work that we offer, here are some recommendations on alternatives.

DRN member Pete Payne runs Heavy Duty Racing and is located in the mid-Atlantic state of Virginia tel. (540) 659-6994 Pete offers engine and suspension work for late model dirt bikes.

DRN member wes Gilbert owns Boyesen Precision Porting up in New England in Windsor CT. Wes does all sorts of cool stuff with dirt bikes and shifter karts. give him a call at (860) 269-3736

Pro Action, headquartered in Beaver Falls PA. offers complete mail order engine service and you can call DJ at (724) 846-9055

Theres lots of talented mechanics out there and I'm sure if you look hard in your local area you might find someone into dirt bikes too.

The reason for our premature closing is that my mom Carolyn is near the end of her battle with esophogeal cancer. My sister Carrie and I are proud that we can afford our mom the luxury of dying at home in her own bed. But that doesn't come without sacrifices of time and energy. So I'm trading time answering questions about dirt bikes and doing mechanical work that your local dealers should do for you, in order to make my mom comfortable in her final hours.

So this is the last time that I'll respond to questions on this forum and eventually Okie will be asked to vanquish this whole forum.

Have a great summer of riding, Eric Gorr
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