Good Friday ride report (first day of Easter)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Ever have one of those days when you feel you should have stayed home?

It started with a friend coming round just before heading off to the forest. He jumped the gate, not wanting to wake us up. We were just having a chat and working out if we had everything for the day. I commented that was one of the cats, but Henk looked out the window to see our friend, so, being half asleep, asking him whether he'd organised for Craig to come round. Okay. Craig hadn't ridden for 2 months & had woken at 4am all excited about going riding so decided to meet us at home to make sure he wasn't locked out the forest.

I'd bought food the night before for lunch as I wasn't sure the bakery would be open - it was, so breakfast was more interesting than cold hot-x buns & mueseli bars with easter eggs for desert.
Picked up the key from headquarters, headed up to the gate where we noticed the combination lock had been changed to a normal padlock - guessing it's because of the number of combination locks they'd lost. I put our key in the lock, nope, wrong key, so yell to Henk "we've got the wrong key". He yells back, try the "normal" lock - doh, I'd had a total blank and of course, voila, we're in the forest. I couldn't believe I'd been that dumb, but more to come.

After everyone had arrived, we headed off to our camp for the day. Everyone's busy talking & unloading & general mayhem reigns supreme. A couple of the guys start their bikes & promptly stall them as they go to take off. Of course much laughter follows them. Righto, let's get organised & we can ride. Finally we go to leave, where I promptly stall my bike. Doh, guess I shouldn't have laughed at the guys for that hehehe. Okay, start her again, go to take off again, promptly drop the bike. I'm thinking, what the heck am I doing here and what's the chances of me picking up the bike and keeping the engine running. As soon as I went to pick her up, she stalled.

I then went for a warm-up loop, came back & waited to see what the others wanted to do. We decided to have a rest. I'm still suffering severe hand cramps on some rides, but not all. The sand-based forest is pretty much a given for cramps but usually go away after a while (not yesterday though). The guys came back & told us where we were expected to ride, due to felling nearby & some of our trails having been trashed. They'd also lifted a fence for us to go under, so we knew not to worry about that.

We headed out (me, my friend, her son & two daughters), with the only incidents being the oldest girl's bike stalling a couple of times. When we got back to base, we decided it was time for another rest (none of us had ridden for a while and both my friend & I were suffering cramps, her son has a broken finger & sore back). Her son then decided to call it a day with riding, mainly because it hurt when he changed from sitting to standing & vice versa.

We did the loop a couple more times with one or other of the girls, depending on which one wanted to ride. There was one straight which I totally adored and after a cautious first ride of it, the following ones were much more fun ;) The guys had told us there were logs on the trail, so don't go full nana. I'd decided with the lines I was taking, the logs weren't a problem, so had great fun the next couple of rides. My friend had to stay behind the girls so couldn't enjoy the blast :( The things I was noticing on these rides was while I was getting ahead & then waiting to make sure everyone was okay, I still wasn't giving 100%. I was thinking about body positioning, what the bike was doing, what I was doing etc etc. I definitely was in cruise-mode.

After lunch, the guys headed out again & once they were out of sight, I decided to follow them (huh, as though I could catch them, figure out where they'd gone or anything useful). My friend decided the kids were okay, as someone else was there to look after them, so she'd come with me. First intersection we came to, we headed off to where we thought the guys might have gone. Spotted some bikes had gone up a hill into some clearfell, so went on up there. Neither of us at clearfell, so that led for some interesting times.

My friend was first to come a cropper and as I looked to make sure she was okay, I had to ease the bike between a log & stump. I then dropped the bike & when my friend came to see I was okay, commented I had sticks jammed in between the brake & cases. Doh, no wonder that didn't work. The road was in sight of us, so she decided to head down there. I had to get myself past a couple of obstacles before I could turn to go to the road, but by that time, it was easier to forge ahead than take a shortcut. I managed to get stuck once or twice more, couldn't find a way out of that block, somehow managed to find the hill we'd come up in the first place, so headed out to the road.

We regrouped (hmm, two of us, not a group, re-paired, nope, not broken) and decided to carry on to see if we could find the guys (haha, I don't think either of us cared where they were). We came to the bottom of a large, sandy hill, so could go up that or go another area to see what we could find there. I decided to go up the hill (I hate this one), stopped by a corner to make sure my friend was okay & looked at how much smoke I'd blown out - okay, now I don't need to repack the muffler, she's cleaned out now lol. Of course, I then had trouble getting going again & made it awkward for both of us - double doh!!! Got to the top, headed down the gravel road, spotted another turn-off, so had to see what was there. We went around a loop a couple of times, then figured we'd better check out guess situation. My friend told me to carry on but tell her whereabouts I'd be. I decided that was a dumb idea & we both headed back, beating the guys back by a couple of minutes. That was enough riding for the day, if I'd known what I was going to lead us into, I'd have taken a camelback, but didn't. The guys headed out to put the fence back down & we all then sat around to bs & discuss what we plan to do for the next event we're putting on - over some beers, naturally.

Tomorrow we're going riding again, with me a bit more on the ball, hopefully ;) No guarantees, of course. I did have fun and didn't regret going, but wondered at the beginning of the day what I was letting myself in for lol

Oh, the girls were happy as the Easter bunny had found them, even if it was a couple of days early (Sunday is the proper day to give eggs, but I wasn't going to see them then. They figured out a way that was feasible for me to have known where the eggs were - I'd chased the Easter bunny & spotted where he'd hidden them :) They were most upset that he didn't come back, as they wanted to thank him, but I thought it fair that us adults have some eggs too lol (actually thought about taking some more & hiding them on the trails, but couldn't be bothered taking the girls around to find them, plus the boy wouldn't have been able to come - the kids are great & make sure everything is always even, so he wouldn't have missed out). Each year we wonder if the girls are getting too old to believe in the bunny, but each year they pretend they do. I'm sure they know I enjoy having them disappear for a little while hehehe. The first year we did it was the best one, as we had heaps of bunny holes to hide them all in & the youngest definitely believed then - every time she saw a bunny hole she had to look if an egg was in it lol

Well, better go & load up for tomorrow, it should be fun, even if muddy ;)


Aug 13, 1999
Nice to see your back to your old form on reports Michelle! :thumb: I like the reasoning the girls came up with on the early Easter bunny!

"Boondocking" is what we call that riding around looking for what kind of trouble you can get into. That's Karl's favorite type of riding and he always find trouble at least for me. Have you had your hands checked out? My physical therapist found that my wrist/hand problems were caused by my neck, apparently from the whiplash incident a couple years ago.

Fortunately, we've had time for a couple hours of riding on our normal loops this week after work so I could figure out if the pt was helping and it is.

We made a new route through the slash mess on the Paper Company's property last night (need to come up with a name for it). Now that I have the strength back in my hands I'm having a lot more fun riding. I've never not had fun but now I can actually hang onto the bike and ride it when I need to wheelie over crap in the trail. When my wrists were weak I couldn't hold on well enough once I got tired (which was early on a ride) to stay on the bike when the front end came up. So, I stayed in 1st gear on the gnarly stuff. I had to stop & regroup often. That also meant I had to manhandle the bike more to get over the bigger logs & shelves. Pretty much a viscious cycle.

Now that I can hold on & I feel stronger I'm finding that more speed helps get me over & through the really crappy stuff easier (just like Karl & everyone else has been telling me - speed is your friend). 2nd gear has become my friend & 3rd is starting to look attractive at times! I think it also helps that I see how easily Karl gets through the stuff when he just attacks it so I try to copy him and it works!

Can't believe riding season is finally here again! The sun stays up long enough for us to get in a ride after work and the weather is great. Hope the summer gives us some nice showers to keep the dust down this year.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I don't know what happened, but suspect the month off has been really good for me. I went grovelling today & had a total ball. I got stuck, I got myself unstuck, I flailed, I fell off, it was great. At the end of the day, I got asked if I'd gone out again after being seen coming back for lunch & said "I've done 3 loops". I think the organiser just about fell off his chair.

I'd gone out for a loop on my own in the morning, but not long after coming back, a friend turned up & was keen to go out, so off we went, with Henk babysitting us (he hurt his knee a few weeks back so wasn't keen to ride with his mates). It'd been raining most of the week, so was slippery as hell (hence I fell nicely into a puddle). It rained so hard last night I woke up from it & thought, do I really want to go? Auckland is flooding at the moment due to the rain, but today at the forest we had a couple of light showers - driving home we were going 60kph & struggling with poor visibility (as was everyone). Different climate & the forest's only 30-40 minutes away, but about 10 or so in a straight line. Awesome.

I kept forgetting the camera, but I was honestly having a great day - not too impressed with some of my riding, but it didn't matter. I think reading some of the threads has made something click in my head, whether that's a good thing or not is a matter of opinion - mine is it's a good thing. I wasn't being hard on myself, I was just having fun.

At one tricky bit, I waited for all the other riders to get through (plus wait for Henk & my friend) and felt so much better about my first attempt there in the morning - heck, they found it no easier than I had. I found that second attempt much easier with Henk directing me. The third time my friend & I decided to avoid that bit, so I got myself stuck somewhere else instead lol (Henk had gone the long way, so I told him if we weren't waiting for him to come find us because we'd be stuck - I know, no wonder we got stuck, I'd decided I would before I got there lol).

Anyway, I'm stuffed with one more day to go, then back to work for a three day break, revive myself for next weekend hehehe

Oh, and this has taken about 3 years to get me back to this - scarey, but glad it's finally happened.


Sep 6, 2000
nice report michelle.makes me wish i was out there riding today.
making me jelouse....i havnt been able to ride in 2 weeks and am missing riding badly. pretty much so that im starting to get grouchy and developing a really bad temper.
perhaps later mid week i'll have to be content with wakeboard ..(not waveski!)


Aug 13, 1999
Sounds like the time off did help Michelle.

We made it out for an Easter ride and I should have stayed home!! :|

I had one of those days where balance is nonexistent. My son joined us for a ride up Karl's new trail - the Slashfest I call it. This was his first trip up Slashfest and I was worried that he may have trouble. I should have worried that I'd have trouble and not be able to keep up with him! Karl decided to strap an old shovel without a handle to the back of his chest protector so we could do some repair work on The Bog because it was turning into The Swamp. I think it made a nice fashion statement.

Heading up the first leg of Slashfest, I missed the trail, hit a log wrong and down we went. Hmmmmmmmmmmm I hope the whole ride isn't going to be like this. The guys were already up on the next leg, waiting for me. I picked up the bike, fired it up and decided I was NOT going to let the logs get the better of me again. :flame:

Got to where the guys were and explained what happened "Damn log!"

Giggle giggle & off they went. Next leg went smooth until a small downed tree that was hanging just above the ground bounced my son off his line & he stalled. I helped him turn it around, moved the tree and he went on up the hill. I followed along and even stayed on the bike! :yeehaw:

Everything went well until we headed up the next hill. It's a narrow, twisty, steep trail that is usually quite fun with a couple logs to pop over as you head up. I hit the first log and it bounced me sideways, I stuck my foot down, saved it and kept the bike running. Luckily the rear tire had bounced past the log so once I got everything back in position (bike upright & my butt on the seat) I decided to just power it up from there instead of going back down. The trail is so narrow it's a real pain to turn the bike around. I managed to make it up the hill the rest of the way and there they were again. Once again I explained my delay "damn log!" Giggle giggle off we go!

Karl decided we needed to do OICMP and Hangover Hill backwards - sounded good to me because going down them is much easier than coming up especially when you have no balance as I did today.

Down we went to the bottom of Hangover Hill. Karl decided we needed to take an old trail that we haven't been on in a long time. Funny thing was, I don't think it really was a trail and I know I had never been on it but off we went. The beginning of this trail was a steep hill with a big kelly hump at the bottom. Karl jumped the kelly hump, hit the hill & tore up it. My son looked at me, I walked over & looked at the hill, he decided to go around the kelly hump and I just decided to wait & see. The kid made it up the hill no problem. I fired up my bike & decided to heck with it, I'm jumpin the kelly hump. I hit it, not what you'd call a jump but I tried. Rolled over the hump, up the hill & stalled :| . Turned it around, went back down and tried it again. Made it this time but then as I hit the top of the hill I turned too sharp on an off camber spot & I tipped over. Simply flopped the bike on the ground. :| Karl was moving some slash out of the way of the next section and stopped to look at me. I turned off the gas, picked the bike up, looked at him and politely said "I'm an not having a good day darling" or something like that, probably not those exact words, or anything close to it but I don't think I can type my actual tantrum er a dialoque on a family site.

Giggle giggle!!! I managed to get up the next section, following the boys through more slash, humps, holes, and only tipping over a couple more times.

I lost count of the number of times I tipped over or stalled. My son kept waiting for me because he felt really sorry for me. Karl knew to just stay ahead of me. We stopped at the bog & rerouted some of the water running straight down the trail - damn quads.

My daughter had called on the cell phone & I couldn't get service down in the bog so my son took off & I was to follow. Now I couldn't get my bike started. I kicked & kicked & kicked finally Karl took it & fired it up. Now I was REALLY mad! Off I went 1st gear, 2nd gear, 3rd gear CORNER 2nd gear........I caught up to my son, parked at the Powerline. Called my daughter "when are you coming home, I'm bored." "I'm on my way, we are at the Powerlines." "Okay, did Pat crash?" giggle giggle. "No but mommy did many times." "Oh!" giggle giggle!

The trip home was uneventful. I think I had found my balance again as I didn't have any more problems. Hopefully I won't misplace it again because it appears that it is a helpful feature to have but it certainly seems to entertain my riding partners when I don't have it. Giggle stinking giggle!


Jan 31, 2001
Oh all those logs... YIKES !!! I would certtainly be entertaining on the "slashfest" Just today I was sharing with Marshal descriptions of some of my more spactacular dismounts.His look was a combination of horror and amusement. Good thing he's most always in front :eek:

Great reports Michell.. Hard to believe you are actually gonna be here soon !
Awesome ! :yeehaw:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Lol, just wait till you work out the crappiness of my riding is downplayed not exaggerated ;)

I think the best thing about Sunday's ride was when I got back from the loop on my own & turned round to Henk & said "see, I didn't get lost, I'm not dead, I'm just slow" he commented "nope, I wasn't worried, the others haven't been back long", instead of his usual "I thought you must be dead or broken, you took so long".

Bbbom, I tried jumping on Sunday. There was a ditch with a hump in front of it that I've always been told "it's real easy, even if you just roll it you'll jump it". It's in a big clearing, so nothing to hit. I went to "roll" it, but thinking back on it, maybe I did let go of the throttle just before hitting the lump, and promptly put my front wheel into the side of the ditch, nicely hurting my wrist. I had to do it again just to see if I could "jump" it and whilst it wasn't pretty, I didn't hurt myself any further. Henk decided to show off (typical male) and was leaping it both ways, one time landing the bike & then putting on the throttle with the bike playing a rodeo bull trying to spit him off the back. I thought he had come off & lept back on but he swears he was on the bike the whole time. All I remember thinking was "I need a video camera, this is going to be messy". I still can't believe he somehow saved it, and now understand his injuries a bit better - he's an idiot with a "helmet-on, brain-off" switch. Where can I get me one of those?


Aug 13, 1999
That switch requires a bit of rewiring and some reconfiguring down below (see the I Suck thread for discussion of this). :confused:

You'd then also be able to lift heavy things, forget important dates and learn how to scratch yourself in public. :p

Ditches or even deep kelly humps still scare me! I can jump the humps in the road but if you add a ditch, trough, bunch of rocks or ruts I freak out & my throttle closes off. Again, the wrong wiring! :thumb:


Jan 17, 2001
Michelle, great ride report! Sounds like the time off did you good! It also sounds like you are having a lot of fun riding again and I am glad to hear it. Jumping is fun, but scary to learn. We did some of that in Oklahoma this year and it was fun, but hard to program my brain that I was not going to fall off. I am now jumping some and not quite so fearful.

BBBom---you are a wild woman! I love your ride reports, as they are always filled with some sort of excitement! That is so neat that you can ride right from your house! The yuppies in IL would have a cow!!


Aug 13, 1999
Glad you enjoy the reports Annie. I have fun writing them, gives me a chance to relive the ride. BTW any ride with Karl is exciting. He fits in with my upbringing. My family has always been an exciting family!!

We really love where we live. It's a lot of work but the benefits are worth it for us. Monday the kids drove the Gator down to my parents house so they could take them to school (I let them sleep late because we'd been up kinda late). After school, they drove the Gator back to our house, my son called me & asked if I wanted to ride after work (poor Karl had to take my Bronco to his buddies shop to diagnose it's problems so he couldn't join us). When my son said that my daughter wanted to go too, I couldn't refuse. I hurried home & they were already geared up ready to go.

My daughter has been really frustrated with her move to the KX60 and her bigger boots (handme downs). She has trouble getting started & shifting & using the clutch to control speed without stalling.

We worked on the use of the clutch for awhile after she crashed on a slight incline (hit a big mud puddle, back end washed & front end hit a rut & she was down but back up & ready to go). Then, I explained how to feather the clutch in the technical stuff and off she went.

She stopped at the end of the kid's singletrack trail (tight & twisty but not many obstacles except the trees and a few rocks) and told me she understood how to do it now! She was ripping after her brother on the way home.

That's the biggest benefit of living here for me, the opportunity to enjoy riding & the outdoors with my kids. They miss having other kids close by to play with but they wouldn't trade the place for anything. Besides, their friends love to come visit, they know we will be doing SOMETHING exciting. ;)

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