Dec 2, 2003
Hi Kadie,

Skippy here, I gotta type this quick. Yzman is napping on the couch and If he finds me in the house, on the Internet he is gonna be mad.

For those of you that dont know me. Hi, I am Yzman400's bike Skippy. I am a 2004 CRF250X. Nice to meat ya 's

Kadie I just had to drop ya a line and tell ya about the incredible morning that I just had. There I was all snuggled in my room when someone opened the door and woke me up. I poked my head (light) out the door squinting my eye against the morning light to see what was going on. I looked around and realized that I was in a parking lot. A dirt parking lot. HEY I am in a staging area!! Yipee!

I rolled out of the trailer, and as the morning sleep fog clears my valves I take a quick look around and confirm, yep this is a staging area all right. I was at Cedar Creek! I soon realized that there was no one else here. What time is it anyways? Ohh no wonder no is here it is 7:00am. But still. The sky is blue, the temps are cool, how can anyone sleep when it is this nice outside. Were are all my friends? Were is Inca??? Were is Kadie? I don’t understand. We arnt going riding alone again are we. Yzman knows better than to do that. Doesn’t he?

I finally see Yzman stumbling around with a big cup of coffee in his hand trying to clear the sleep crusties outta his eyes. Eventually he gets enough of that nasty coffee (I prefer 92 octane myself) in him to get his motor running and he heads into the trailer to get his gear on. I shake my head and chuckle as he realizes that he forgot his ridding sox and has to wear his short gym sox. Ya know I am always ready to ride but him I don’t know about….Shessh.

Note to self. Ask Yzman not to store his stinky boots in my room. The smell is clogging up my intake.

So anyways with his gear on he finally notices me waiting patiently along side the trailer. He comes over and proceeds to fuel me up, check my oil and a top it off, and finally lube my chain. He hasn’t checked my chain in forever. He claims that he was out of chain lube (but I think he is just lazy)

Now Kadie I gotta ask ya something. Why does my rider still call himself Yzman? I mean I realize that he used to ride that infernal “Blue bike” that I share my room with, and still has a soft spot for it. But I am not a YZ I am a CRFX. Why cant he change his name to something like X-Man or X-Yzman. Something, anything but Yzman. I am not a jealous bike by nature but when he rubs it in my face like that…….

So he climbs on thumbs my “Magic button” and I clear dust outta my pipe with a bark. How is it that he always knows what buttons to push to get my motor running? After a short warm up he clicks me into gear, eases out the clutch and heads out on the trail at around 7:45am.

We were out here just 2 weeks ago and the trail was in horrible shape. The entire trail was wooped out. I didn’t mind all that much but I think he was having troubles with it. But today as we headed out onto the North Loop riding clockwise I quickly realize that something has changed out here since the last time we were out. The woops weren’t nearly as big. Someone had been out here with a trail groomer! I can see the smile on Yzman’s face as he realized this also. I could tell he was still a little cold and creaky from the early start so I took it easy on him for a while till he warmed up. I could actually feel him shiver once or twice from the cool morning breeze going through his thin jersey. But he warmed up quickly and we settled into a nice easy pace running along in 3rd or 4th gear.

We came out of a pine section, cross a 2-track and into a small section of woops only to come to a sliding halt to look at something in the trail. It was a skid plate. An aluminum one. Probably off of one of those goofy KTM’s. They are always loosing there parts. Ya know I actually seen one out on the trail with silver duct tape on it holding its bolts in place. How embarrassing. Yzman picked it up and stuffed it behind my headlight and continued on. I think he was gonna try to drop it off at the staging area when we got back with hopes that its owner would come looking for it, but it kept bouncing around so much that he eventually ditched it and left it at an intersection were the trails crossed a 2-track. So if anyone lost there skid plate out there I know were it is. Just call (231) 773-2627 and ask for Skippy.

We zip along and eventually come to a down tree in the trail. This is the same tree that we encountered 2 weeks ago. Yzman made a mental note of its location and we continue on. I think he was thinking about going back with the truck and chain saw, as it is right off a 2-track. But as we continued on we encountered 2 more downed trees right before the small bypass trail cuts back in. We head out only to find tree after tree down. It wasn’t all that big of a deal for me to ride around them though. I would of liked to try ridding over a few of them but Yzman doesn’t really like jumping over the big ones and since he is in control what can I do. I think eventually he gave up on he notion of cutting the trees out as there were so many of them. There must have been some storm that came thru here.

As we happily skip down the trail Yzman rides along going from lugging my down low to downshifting and letting me bounce my valves off my rev limiter. Man that feels good.

Eventually we got back to the staging area expecting to see it busy with folk getting ready to ride, but it was still empty. What is the deal? It isn’t hunting season yet. Were is everyone. I could tell X-yzman was feeling pretty good cause he crossed the parking lot without stopping and headed right into the south loop running counterclockwise. This section of trail didn’t look like it had been groomed yet. The woops were deeper here. But we didn’t mind and just attacked them harder. I like it when we ride hard, is that wrong??? We rode along without much incident and made it back to the parking lot by 9:00am. And can you believe it there still was no one there.

But just as we stopped to take a break another truck and trailer pulled in with a yz250 and CR85. Yz wandered over to great our new visitors and give them a trail update. He left me at the truck and ignored me. I wanted to meet them also… Eventually he brought me over to and we waited for them to get ready. It looked like we were going to go back out with them. Cool! Ridding buddies. But just then another truck rolled in with a WR426 and one of those KTM smokers. So yzman wanders over to chat with them. He is becoming quite the chatty one when there is a dirtbiker in the area. They talk for a little but outta my earshot. Eventually they come over and one of the new guys starts checking me out.

Now Kadie I need your advise. You are more seasoned than I, and have a few more miles under your tires than I. This is my 1st year ridding after all. But all these people touching me and sitting on me and taking test rides on me. What should I do about that. I mean I am a one rider bike after all. Its kinda strange with all these people oogling over me. But actually I really don’t mind all the attention. I kinda like it. Is that bad?

So now it looks like we are going to go out with these 2 new guys on the WR and KTM. The other 2 guys on the YZ and CR take off without us. We wait patiently as they try to get that KTM started. Darn 2-strokes anyway. Eventually it roared to life with a cloud of smoke…Cough cough. We headed back out on the South loop again going clockwise. Yzman was feeling good and he was letting me sing. I think he may have been trying to impress the new guys with our speed and finesse. It quickly became apparent that these new guys wouldn’t be able to keep up. We stopped at the 1st 2-track crossing to chat and then dove back in. Last we saw of them was at the turn off for the cross connector. We decided that at least with them behind us there would be someone there to pick up our pieces if Yzman did something stupid. We put our heads down and charged on determined to catch the other 2 riders that were in front of us (Yz and Cr) We started counting downed trees as we went this time. Finding a total of 12 major trees that needed chain saw work to remove. The trail ended entirely too quick and we found ourselves back at the parking lot around 10:15am. The guys on the yz and cr must of just got back before us. A few minutes latter the other 2 fella’s on the WR and KTM rolled in. And I thought they were slow. As we shout out a hi to them they announce that the KTM had shed a bolt and they took the connector and cut out ½ of the south loop so they could hit the truck for repairs. I couldn’t help think “they took the cuttoff and we rode the entire loop and we still beet them back”.

We loaded up the trailer made a beeline for home. We would of liked to stay a little longer but Yzman’s wife wanted to go to the farmers market and we were running late already. As we rolled in at 11:00am I thought we were done for. But it turns out that she had just woke up and all was well.

Now I think I gotta get yzman up off the couch and outside to change my oil and clean my filters. We are heading to the U.P. next week and we need to be in tip top shape.

Well Kadie that is my day. One of these days I just know you will be back out amongst us ripping and roostin thru the trails. Until then.

Your little buddy:


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Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 6, 2003
Hey Don

Neat story ... that motorcycle of yours sure has a great personality ... maybe it'll rub off on you? Nah ... not a chance!

Have a good time in the UP ... ride safe !!!

terry nestrick :cool:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Skippy:
Kadie is still sleeping in the garage and, simular to yourself, aint allowed on the puter!! Of course, she has surprised me a number of times and snuck in here for a post or two. :nener:
Keep your eyes peeled cause you NEVER know what may happen!!
By the way, I personally think your writings are better then your bosses! Maybe its cause you havent been on your head as many times as he has :) Anyway, GREAT job on the story - I REALLY enjoyed your "play-by-play" account of a day in your life! Your a BEAUTIFUL machine and definitly worthy of a boss with a name other the YZMAN! I think the name "Xisbestest" or "X=best" would be the perfect name for him!! I will mention it to Kadie and see what she thinks!!
Oh yea, by the way, I REALLY like your name lettering down the fender = way cool :thumb: Your a 1st class Skippy for sure!!


Sep 1, 2003
Hi there Skippy - Looks like you're doing great all the way around. The laughs bring back memories of the past. Glad to have you in the 'fold'. (Per Father Nelson).



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Skippy – HI!!!!!
Kadie here!!
First off I would like to warn you about Father Nelson, IF HE COMES TOWARD YOU LIKE HE IS GOING TO CLIMB ON - RUN!! :thumb:
Wow, sounds like you are REALLY having a good time this year! That Boss of yours is surely putting you thru the test isn’t he! You sure have gotten your knobs dirty in a variety of places already this year!
I REALLY enjoyed that early “lost on the Boon trail” ride that our bosses took us on! I will NEVER forget riding side by side with you on that dirt road and your boss yelling “there is NEVER a dull moment while riding with you Woodsy” to my boss! That really proved to me that you were in good hands!! I like what he did with your “Skippy” lettering and think it is VERY attractive! Perhaps, this is one of the reasons that so many other riders (besides your boss) wanna ride you! You know what, I think that shows how special you are when other people ask your boss for a test ride!! Here is something to remember though, this doesn’t last forever! Instead of letting it bother you, I think you should enjoy the praise and attention! When you get a new rider on your back, give them the ride of their life!!! Don’t hurt them, but let them suckers know how special you REALLY are!! After all, you have TRUE CRF blood running in your veins!!
This brings up another issue that you were wondering about. That is, why your boss doesn’t change his DRN name. Gotta tell you something about humans Skippy. They aren’t real easy to get to break old habits. You are correct about me having been around longer then you and I have seen this on MANY occasions. It seems like the more ground you cover with your boss on your back the stronger the bond between the two of you will be. It is truly a personal thing between you and your boss!!
An example of this is found between my boss and I. When he got me I only had about 2 hours run time on me – in fact, I was considered “a brand new demo”. The guy who had me first had NO idea of my potential and tickled my throttle WAY to hard - I tossed him off so quick he didn’t know what hit him :grin: After that, everyone was scared of me. Then my boss rode me and it was love at first flight! Now, after running thousands of miles with Woodsy on my back, I hear comments like, “that bike was brand new last spring – that aint possible” or “Holy Cow, you sure wore that thing out fast”. To the majority of bikes those comments would hurt, but to me, I just remember how it all happened and I get a HUGE smile on my face!! WHAT A BLAST WE HAVE HAD!!
All this added up to me earning his respect. When and if your boss does change his name you will know that it is because you have earned it!!
I know what you mean about loving it when your boss pulls maintenance on you! My FAVORITE part is getting new tires put on! Don’t EVER tell anybody I told you this but I EAT rear tires purposely because I absoulutly love the feel of new nobbies!! Of course I like the tickle of chain lube and the “breath of fresh air” of a clean filter! Oh yea, does your boss use filter skins on your air filter? Mine does and they REALLY work!! If my boss puts them over the filter dry (oil the filter, but not the skin) and cleans the skin after every ride he doesn’t have to clean my actual air filter very often at all. The way my airbox sits allows for dirt to fall into the intake canal real easily while the filter is being removed , so the less the actual filter has to be cleaned the better!!
Opps, I gotta hide, someone is coming….
Ok, I am back.. Where were we… I really like those pictures of you! Personally, I like the one of just you from the front. You have the look on your face like your ready to rip! The picture of you with that fat blue bike (does he have name? I think a simple good name for him would be G. P. – short for ground pounder. I know what you mean about sharing space with other “breeds”. If you think you have it bad I am currently being housed with 2 Yamaha TTR225’s (they are under the same cover as me too – YUCK), a 99 CR250 (kinda like him, he is jet black with a BUNCH of really spicy add ons), a Honda 700s streetbike (real pretty), a 1974 Honda 750 Chopper (that springer front end is scary), a 1974 Suzuki 250 Savage (he is not as spooky as his name is), a 1969 Heathkit Boony Bike (funny little fat tired thingy is ALWAYS telling jokes), a cute little Orange Honda Express moped and this HUGE 1984 Yamaha Venture Royale (he is always snoring – he has 185 thousand miles on him but DREAMS of more :yikes: . I really don’t complain much because I know that my boss is really hurting and when he starts riding again I will have LONE occupancy of the back of the Van he hauls me in! I think your boss will come around with time.
Well, I better get back outside. It’s getting time for Woodsy to get up for more drugs and I better not be sitting here when he opens his eyes or he might get mad :ugg:
Thanks for writing! And take care of yourself ya hear! Save some trail miles for me!


Sep 1, 2003
Hi Kadie,
I know you can't go out to play right now. There is a question though. Does anyone talk to you or maybe comfort you? I hope you are not being punished for some bad thing youv'e done. Hang in there though, Skippy and Eugene are now with us. Maybe the hospital will soon release more of our kind. And by the way, maybe we can have what they call a photo op some day soon.
Your nemesis,


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey - HI INCA!! Long time no have ridden with ya kiddo!!
Yea, I get visited almost DAILY by Woodsy now! He just purchased a new set of bar clamps for me. One of my old ones got broken during a "soil sample" (thats what the boss calls it) and I it sounds like I may get some new parts bolted on soon!
The boss comes out in the garage during his daily walks and likes to look under the bike cover to make sure I am doing ok with these 2 blue bikes that are keeping me company! Just hearing his steps approaching me puts me in the mood for RIPPIN!!
I heard him tell one of his buddies the other day that if the Doctor removes the "no lifting" ban and increases it to 5 pounds, I am going to get "worked on"! I think he was referring to getting the new clamps installed :thumb:
Truthfully, It is kind of crazy here for me right now because "our place" is in the sticks and there are A LOT of people stopping by on bikes and quads (a neighbor just bought a new TRX450R Honda Quad) and the sounds and smells of riding are ALWAYS present :ugg:
This makes me sad cause I know I could whip even that brand new quad if I could just get out from under this tarp!
I know I should be happy for the boss, that his back is getting better every day but, hey, I HAVE NEEDS TOO!!
I gotta quit feeling sorry for myself and stay positive! I know that as soon as the boss is better, you and I will once again go and have some great times on the Boon Trail!!
Tell Skippy and Eugene HI for me will ya!
Keep :ride: ing!


Dec 2, 2003
Kadie if I could I would come over and take ya out for a "cobweb clearing" ride. But last time I tried ridding ya you rattled me so hard I thought I was gonna lose the fillings in my teeth. I guess I am just not the "iron man" that your owner is.

Untill next time.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hey Yzman:
1st of all, thats cause I am not as naive as Skippy about "joy riders"! I kinda got an attitude about other folks riding me, especially when my boss is riding in front of me on a different bike (a BRAND NEW one no less!)
All I can remember about that ride is how my boss came back BRAGGING about how smooth Skippy is!! :ugg:
2nd of all, OF COURSE I VIBERATE, I AM A BIG BORE 2 STROKE!! Those little vibrations turn into BIG HORSEPOWER when needed! :yeehaw:
Kadie :ride:


Sep 1, 2003
Nice to hear that you are well in the being visited department. Here are a few words you can look forward to.

We love to ride,
Full of pride.
With tooth and nail,
On Woodsy's Beloved Boon Trail.

Another thing, it is good that you have been well behaved and aren't in any trouble with your boss - yet. Any time you would care to try your throttle at some mischief, just say so. I know where there is an able and willing experienced yahoo that can help.

May we soon rub noses again,
Your nemesis, Inca


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 1, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
The woops weren’t nearly as big. Someone had been out here with a trail groomer!

:yeehaw: Now this part of the story is interesting. If I can work it in, I may be up at Cedar Creek this weekend!

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