
Nov 23, 2004
Hey guys, I'm a California resident who's been riding a 2002 Green Stickered YZ250 2-stroke for couple years now and I love it. However, I got bit by the four stroke bug and bought the new 2005 Honda CRF250X not only for the Green Sticker option but also to race some hare and hounds and enduros. Plain and simple, the bike has no power or torque.

I'm considering selling the new Honda and buying a CRF450F motocrosser, but the Red Sticker makes it sketchy to ride, let alone race, in the summer months. Now, I know Honda is coming out with a CRF450X this Feb but the weight on that sucker is 255+ pounds!!! Does anyone have any recommdanations for a 4 stroke bike that is powerfull, light, LEGAL and can be used for desert races and play riding? My YZ just plain runs out of gears in the places I like to ride.

If we can answer this question I'm sure we'll all be riding this bike!!!!!



Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
Or... I've heard that with some minor modifications a WR 5th gear can be made to work in your YZ, which would give you more top speed. Other than that... the KTM and WR450's are an excellent choice.


Mar 19, 2000
they will all be so close in weight to each other for 2005, just pick you favourite colour....

BTW brochure weights are never right, gotta weigh it yourself


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
I can see how it doesnt have enough power if your comparing it too the yz250..

I have ridden a KTM450 exc and that bike has the power too pull me around, plus they are green sticker bikes.. Im not sure of the weight though, but it really wasn't a factor too me.. I myself am waiting on a crf450x..

WR Dave

Feb 7, 2000
If you are comparing an '02 YZ 250 2-stroke to the CRF250X 4-stroke you are giving up an easy 10-12 hp, so even giving it the closed course mods won't make you happy. At this point you will be looking for the WR 450, KTM 450 or 525 or waiting for the CRF450X. Pick a color you like. Ibeleive that the KTM's are the lightest of the 4-strokes out there right now. My .02--WR Dave.


America since 1908
Feb 9, 2004
Moto Squid said:
If you uncork the X (airbox, exhaust) that'll help alot. Or do the full closed course mod list and it'll run just like an R
Your Exactly Right.

First things first, You bought a 250X 4 Stroke after riding a 250 2 Smoke for the past 2 years, did you expect the 250 4 stroke to have the same power a 250 2 stroker has?

If your man enough to ride a 250 2 stroke then you should have gotten a 450 4 stroke to begin with, I have my 450X on order and I'm not worried about the weight at all, the KTM 525 is just as heavy as the 450X.
I too live in california and the only reason I am buying the 450X is because of the green sticker.

I do own a 250X and its a great little bike, I bought it for my wife and I have ridden it many times, There is a website listed in one of these threads in the thumper forum that gives a link to a site called "ramsey" something or other, anyway, with about $500 you can change that X into a R but you still wont be happy with the power coming off a 2 smoker.

I have considered not buying the 450X and waiting to see what yamaha has to offer in the near future, trust me they won't let Honda be the only company with a high powered "Green Sticker" legal bike for very long.

Good Luck.



Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
ironworker said:
I have considered not buying the 450X and waiting to see what yamaha has to offer in the near future, trust me they won't let Honda be the only company with a high powered "Green Sticker" legal bike for very long.

Yamaha has already beat Honda to the punch, as the '05 WR450 is green sticker legal (although it needs a few mods before it can be considered "high powered"). Link below......


The odd thing is that the air injection system seems to be on models in all 50 states (according to people that have picked up their new WR450 in states other than CA).

Even stranger, the '05 WR250 is not green sticker legal.


America since 1908
Feb 9, 2004
The WR is almost as heavy as the 450X, this might be a alternative to a bike thats still 3-4 months from hitting the open market


Jun 5, 2001
I have the 250X, as well as a 250 2 stroke and the 450CRF. There is definately a power difference, but one that has it's advantages in certain places. The weight of the 450X in my opinion, won't be that big of a deal. Do some mods on it, dump the stock pipe/muffler, change some parts, you'll have that weight down. I think the steering capability of the new 450X, assuming it'll be like the 250X's, should make the bike feel alot lighter. The 250X is a little heavier than the 250 2 stroke I have but it feels lighter. Top end, high speed, big hill stuff, the 250X suffers, bottom line, "A man has to know his limitations". lol Can't beat the 250X on tight trail stuff with lots of turns, open it up and youhave to make time up in the tight stuff again. Just my opinion, probably doesn't mean much, but sounds cool to me!


Aug 13, 2000
While I am never going to suggest you purchase another four stroke due to the power to weight issue, I did like the Husky TE450. I took a nice ride on one and found the bike to be a good balance between torque and outright HP. It can be made nearly 10 pounds lighter by removal of the starting system and the associated electrics. The bike is easy enough to kick start.

I like the idea of big bore kits for underpowered thumpers.


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