
Sep 15, 2000

1) You're not offended by the term "HOMO MILK"

2) You understand the phrase "Could you pass me a serviette, I just dropped my poutine
on the chesterfield."

3) You eat chocolate bars, not candy bars.

4) You drink Pop, not Soda.

5) You know that a Mickey and 2-4's mean, "party at the camp,eh!!!!"

6) You don't care about the fuss with Cuba. It's a cheap place to go for your holidays
(not vacation), with good cigars and no Americans.

7) You know that a pike is a type of fish, not part of a highway

8) You drive on a highway, not a freeway

9) You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.

10)You know that Casey and Finnegan were not part of a Celtic musical group.

11) You cried when you heard that "Mr.. Dress Up" died.

12) You get excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.

13) You brag to Americans that: Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion & more are

14) You chuckle that the C.E.O. of American Airlines is a Canadian!

15) You know what a touque is.

16) You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

17) You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed"

18) Your local newspaper covers the national news on 2 pages, but requires 6 pages for

19) You know that the four seasons means: winter, still winter, almost winter, and road work.

20) You know that when it's 25 degrees outside, it's a warm day.

21) You understand the Labatt Beer commercials.

22) You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan"

23) You perk up when you hear the theme song from "Hockey Night in Canada."

24) You are in grade 12, not the 12th grade.

25) "Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary, and is more polite than, "Huh?"


Sep 13, 2001
Mr. Dress up was the best growing up as a kid waiting to see what he would pull out of the tikle trunk. May he rest in peace.


Oct 5, 2001
you cant forget nickelback,default,the guess who,niel young,brian adams,crash test dummies,sebastion bach,loverboy,trooper,rush,bto, anyone else got some names, eh? 4 of the bands above are winnipegers to, eh.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Gordon Lightfoot. . .heeheehee. . .

Kids In The Hall has to be Upper Mexico's greatest contribution to humankind. :cool:
I saw the band that did their theme song (Shadowy Men From a Shadowy Planet) here in Birmingham. I know those guys had to wonder why fate led them to perform in a renovated convenience store for a less-than-enthusiastic crowd of 18.

I know what a "took" is. Is that the same thing as a "touque"?


Feb 9, 2000
With all the differences, Canadians still read, write and speak American - no Oxford English Dictionary eh !

25 degrees huh, I thought you guys used Celsius, and metric and all that foreign stuff.

Tire - is that when you feel sleepy, or that rubber thing on a wheel ?!

Yup Zed, Zed is dead - I wonder where Tarantino came up with that line, I thought the bikers name was Zee ?

I have some family up in Northern Canada somewhere, and they tell me it is rather a shame that they only have 9 good months of snowmobile weather :)

Gotaa love it when a Canadian is overseas, and someone asks them if they are from America, the expression and response is usually priceless.

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