
Feb 21, 2008
hey all, I have a basically stock 2001 yz125 that i have owned for a couple years now. my only mods i have done are a twin air filter, v-force 3 reeds, fmf shorty silencer, and fully built procircuit suspension. about this time last year i rebuilt my top end with factory yamaha std parts, and it just went out on me again now (i ride a ton, prob over 100 hrs on it). i only ride mx tracks for fun, private tracks only. i usually ride woods, gravel pits, and some hare scrambles races.

now that thats out of the way, i'm looking at rebuilding with a .080 weisco overbore and just bore out my stock cylinder which would put me at about 133-134cc. Does anybody have any pros/cons about doing this? i'm hoping for a little more power but don't hurt rebuild periods too bad, although i know it will be a little shorter. its hard for me to decide to just put standard back in or bore out, so any opinions would be greatly appreciated. also btw, if i do bore out, would i have to change the jetting much?
thanks and srry for the long post.
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