
Jan 17, 2001
I got the results from my MRI yesterday, and I am sorry to say it was NOT good!:ugg:

Here is what the report said:
“There is a displaced tear from the body and posterior horn of the lateral meniscus.There are complete tears of the medial collateral ligament (MCL), the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).There is a partial tear of the fibular collateral ligament (FCL).”In addition to those pleasantries, the tibia and patella bones have contusions.

The doctor was even shocked at how much damage I did. He said it will be a solid 6 months before I am back to normal walking condition. Looks like I am going to be a lawn chair cheerleader this summer ....:think

I am going to have surgery next tuesday (march 5).:scream:

We will keep you posted on how it goes.


Feb 28, 2000
Oh no! To many of you in here keep hurting your knees...don't you all know that its against the rules to do so!
Guess it's time to order subscriptions to all the motocross magazines ;)
Hang in there, I wish you a super speedy recovery. You might suprise the doctors. :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
That's too bad. It's not any fun but it's only temporary. Take glucosamine and chondritin (sp?), that seems to help. I went to the gym to supplement my physical therapy and was riding in half the time the doctor originally said I would be (carefully with braces of course!) Do all the PT you can. Email me if you have any questions, this is all still fresh in my memory. Keep your chin up--you'll be fine and doctors can work miracles.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
That really sucks, Anne. Probably a good thing you're getting in for surgery right away. The sooner they fix you up, the sooner you can start your PT and get back in the groove. :cool:

Best of luck on the surgery. Let us know how it goes.

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
OUCH! good luck with surgery,they can do pretty incredible things these days.i wouldn't think that this would permanitly "do ya in". i always get "scared" right before they wheel me in for surgery:whiner: , but when it's all over,i get a lolipop.:confused: you're young and rubbery, you'll heal wishes.:cool:


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Man... I'm really sorry to hear that Anne. :( Good luck next week with the operation! I hope all goes better than well and wish you a super speedy recovery.

How did you do so much damage? Was it one incident or over time? Every time I hear one of these stories I consider braces more and more.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Sorry to hear that Anne. Good luck for surgery on March 5 and do listen to what they tell ya.

FC & Anne: were you wearing knee guards when your accident(s) happened? I know they wouldn't help, but I'm just curious as to whether it would make a difference (slight) or not (I'm forever being told off for not wearing mine).

Speaking of knees: anyone heard how Kim's going with hers?

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
YEESH Ann, I'm really sorry to hear about the extent of your injuries. Ya know as bad as your injuries may seem, it's not SO bad. My friend will ride again in TWO YEARS after catching gravel in a street corner and subsequently getting run over by an SUV this past October. Hit and run. A couple inches of bone missing from his femur that had to be grafted back. Six months is much less than two years so don't be too bummed. The positive thing is the BOTH of you will ride again. We'll try to help keep your attitude as positive as we can here on the forums! FC22 probably does have some great insight right now for you!


Jan 31, 2001
Hi Anne,
I hope the time passes quickly for you.Been crunched a few times myself..I think I bought a sewing machine the last one..I f you knew me you would laugh..
Good thoughts from Oregon to you..hang in there !



Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Michelle: I actually crashed twice before surgery. The first time I was wearing guards but no braces; the second time, braces, but by then it may have been too late.

Jeff Allen

Sep 23, 1999
Good luck Anne with the surgery! and for a speedy recovery too.

I'm also curious about if you had braces on your knees. I keep telling myself to get a pair, then I look at the prices of them... :( But then it looks like the braces are way cheaper than what you have to go though now.
Good Luck.


Aug 13, 1999
Sorry to hear that it is so bad Anne.

A sewing machine says Pegasus! Hmmmm, I have one of those. I broke the needle about 5 years ago and it's been in the closet ever since. Fortunately, my mom loves to sew and thats where all the gear repairs get done. :)

Just a thought Anne but I know for me, if I'm not able to ride then doing some type of workout that makes me feel like I will be better equipped to ride when I can seems to help keep my mood on the good side.

Even with a bum knee maybe you can do some types of workouts to strengthen what you can while the knee heals - upper body type strengthening after you start to perk back up from the operation.

At least you are getting the surgery done quickly, hopefully that will shorten your layoff. You always have DRN for entertainment too. ;)


Dec 31, 1969
Heal fast Anne, sorry to hear the news. Lot's of good advice in here, I too am a blown knee survivor :ugg: .

Hopefully the day will come soon that we'll all believe knee braces are as important as a helmet. Niether can guarantee no injuries, but the odds are so much better.


Jan 17, 2001
Thanks everyone! We will keep you informed of what is happening. They changed my surgery time from 2:30 tomorrow (tuesday 3/5) til 10:30. I will be glad to get it over with. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!


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