Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
It's hard for me to believe that it's already been a month since mx547 & Kendall came to race in Texas. Well this weekend was our monthly mx race at Waco Eagles. I'm on the club committee and seem to have become the one that the rest of the club depends on the ensure the club races are successful in a functional way. I've spent the last two weeks on a tractor at the track doing prep work on the rock hard black dirt and shredding the property, that is untill the tractor broke for the 2nd time in as many weeks.

With the exception of lack of water for the track (the water truck pump is broken) everything went off pretty good and had several comments that the track is in the best shape in years. Perhaps all the hours I spent the last two weeks took it's toll on me. I went to the track on Friday night and left about 7pm tonight. As everyone one else was getting a few practice laps in before the race I was busy trying to get the business end in order. I finally got my gear on as they called my race to the gate.

As we lined up iin the Vet class I noticed there were only 7 of us, normally there are many more. I stretched as qick as I could while they were pointing the riders down for the start. I managed to get my 125 to the corner in about 4th spot when the guy right in front of me slid out and then hi-sided. I was able to avoid the incident and within the 1st 1/4 of the track I managed to get myself all the way to the front of the pack and charging hard, that's when I saw the red flag. The downed rider had broken his arm and lay sprawled out on the track. After a 45 minute medical hold it was back to the line for a restart. I managed a better start this time and worked my way up to 2nd by the end of the 1st lap. By the 3rd lap I had dropped back to 3rd and by the last lap all the way back to 5th and was worn out. I am normaly faster than all these other guys but I was having to work much harder this time for some reason. I attributed it to just being tired from working the track so much the last two weeks and prior to the race. When the 2nd mot came around I got a good jump on the line but managed to loose all positions coming out of the 1st turn. No matter how hard I charged I could not advance on these guys. Then as I charged the rythym section my bike started sputtering and coughing. By the end of lap 2 I managed to drop about 1/3 of a lap behind the rest. As I hit the jumps my bike would randomly bog then charge. I thought it best to call it a day at that point before I ended up like the guy in our 1st moto. Not sure what's wrong with my bike but I think it's a pretty good call thay I get it fixed before I try that again.

I can say withoout a doubt that I'm glad this weekend is over. I'm worn out! :ahhh:


May 4, 2004
Glad to hear you came out unscathed. Keep up the workouts and it'll be a cakewalk in no time! ;)

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Updated Race Report

Like I said in the 1st post, I had to drop out of the race because of bike problems. The following week I spent some time checking things out but couldn't really find anyting wrong except my airscrew seemed to have moved. Without turning it all the way in like I guess you are suppose to, I opened it up a bit till it ran better and got through the race the next weekend. This is where it gets good. I was at the track this week and was talking to one of the guys there and he mentioned how funny the other guys in my class thought it was when they turned my airscrew in just to mess with me.He said that they were supposed to tell me but I guess they forgot that part. Instead of the 1 & 3/4 turns out it they set it to 1/4 turn out and laughed as I tried so hard to keep up but couldn't. Well I have it set back where it's supposed to be now and I race with the same bunch of guys this weekend. I plan on feeding them all some dust, I think that'll be more funny :laugh:

Now for the poetic justice, the guy that made the little adjustment that day isn't racing this week becasue his crank bearings are out. That's what he gets!


May 8, 2001
good things happenin to good people..............joke is always on the them jeff.
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