Just tell the truth


Jul 14, 2007
I get up Sunday morning call a track that we have only been to one other time which is 98 miles from my house and ask is the track in good shape. I knew from the radar that it had rained there the previous night. The track owners wife answers the phone and tells me the track is fine her husband is out at the track now prepping it. 3 hours later when my son and i arrive the track is a total mess ,The husband is still out on the track on the bull dozer trying to push the water off. This is not the track we normally go to and i probably will not be back for a while to that track ,we have 2 other tracks much closer.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
She probably had no real idea what the track looked like.. Still, that's no excuse.

I'd definitely be upset.

We got so tired of that happening, plus having to pay to drive 2 hours one way and ride on crap tracks with a bunch of guys who think they're racing on an open practice day that we bought our own land and built a track for ourselves.

It's much better this way.

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