
Jan 14, 2005
Any ideas on this injury. I hit a jump yesterday and came down real hard on the front wheel(you can read why in the yz forum, bike problem), any way I got slammed forward, i actually ended up sitting on the gas cap wedged up to the handle bars. My whole upper body was way up over the handle bars, I held on to it but I think I pulled something in my rt. shoulder. Does this sound like and over extension of the shoulder joint or sprain of some kind, I don't think I broke or tore anything but my shoulder is killing me and it's real painful to move. Thanks. I hope I don.t have to go see the doctor, I'm taking motrin and going to try some range of motion exercises to loosen it up.
Apr 24, 2004
yeah im with kevlt.....i landed on my shoulder in a crash and i thought nothing of it afterwords when it would hurt i just thought i brused it...i wish now i went to see a doc. my shoulder sometimes hurts but yeah if ur worried about it go see a doc....what do u have to lose besie money for the bill
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