
May 24, 2007
i live in canada and i want to go to the oregon dunes this year can anyone tell me is there any thing i need to have to cross the boarder to the us with my bike (like does it need to be registered or anything). also can anyone tell me what to expect i know i need a flag thats at least 9 feet off the ground and a permit that cost 10 bucks i think but is there anything else i need to know thanks


Aug 8, 2000
Around here I've never needed anything to go racing in the USA. To ride on public land in Washington and Oregon (among other states) you need an ORV tag which is $10 for 60 days I think. Doesn't hurt to have proof of ownership paperwork for re-entering Canada (if you don't have anything from when you bought your bike, stop at Canada customs before you do into the USA and get the forms) so you can prove you did not buy the bike while in the states. For the dunes you need a flag, if you're on public land (which you will be in Oregon) you'll need an ORV tag.

Have fun!
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