
Feb 13, 2006
I am a beginner rider with a 2005 CRF450 and am having a hard time setting the suspension. I ride motocross only at a track that is more of a supercross track than a motocross track (lots of steep jumps, doubles, triples, table tops, rhythm sections, tight corners, etc.). I am 35 yeras old, 5' 8" and and weigh 220 lbs with no gear.

I set the sag and just checked it again the other day at the track and it was 3 7/8 inches. I started with the stock Honda settings for both the shock and forks. I then continued to click down (soften) the compresion and rebound settings both front and rear and got it to a point where it felt pretty good. That is, it felt more balanced and predictable than it ever did before (rear tire would kick up on jump landings, while front end always seemed to be high). However, it is very soft now and I think I may be bottoming too much. I noticed after riding the other day that one of my front fork seals in leaking - could this be related to softeningup the forks too much?

Any input or tips you may have would be appreciated...I need all the ideas I can get.


Mar 16, 2005
cthowards said:
I noticed after riding the other day that one of my front fork seals in leaking - could this be related to softeningup the forks too much?
it depends on how much oil you lost - more than 20cc you will notice for shure...
you weigh 220 lbs and ride stock springs? they are really soft for you :clue:

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