
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 25, 2005
Well me and Ted had one heck of a ride today at Horseshoe... The weather was great and we got in lots of riding... In fact we went on pretty much every loop... No snow, ice, just some great dirt with just enough wet in it for great traction.. :ride: And on top of it we didn't think we were going to be riding with anyone else but our selves.. As it turns out, Ted knows more people than Woodsy has won races.. ;) That i had to put in cuz a certain someone didn't make it out to ride this morning, not to name any name's"WOODSY" :| . ha ha ha..But Ted it was a great day, and i met a few super people who i had alot of fun with.. Hope to ride with you soon bud..


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Oh YEA well, nah nah deeee booo booo to you too there palsy walsy :nener: I, I, I --- what did I do today,,, oh yea, I slept till 12:15, went and got some WORK done on another sled (see - its not just scooter who has to work on weekends!!) and I split almost a rick of wood before going and watching my daughter play in the orchestra at Church... So there tough guy!!
Glad you boys had a good time though!! I thought about you two out there wrecking all the good stuff :laugh: Probably aint a tree left standing the way you ride - corner - CRASH - corner - CRASH - corner - CRASH - just kidding ;)
Did Tedsker go home or is he there now?? You, Scooter and I gotta talk to him about some REALLY cool stuff!! Dont forget to ask me about it, that puts the monkey on YOUR back to help me not to forget!!
Please let your Dad know about next weekends (Saturday) ride that is in the makings for Tin Cup.. Tell him Fred T. is a comin over for another shot at us West Siders and we need him....... Bring your brother too!! I am telling ya Craze - you WILL have another GREAT time of riding!!!
Hey Ted, you coming next Saturday?? Got the note you left on Blipy's seat.. One of the guys (might have been Not So Slow Joe) pointed out the missing GLS needle on Kadie and I told him that I would most certainly have to order another from the Master Craftsman.. Should have heard them laugh when I told about what that GLS is.. you ARE one observant rascal arent you!! To bad you cant see the nails in the trails like me :nener:
See you YAHOOS soon!!


Sep 1, 2003
I’m doing this on Word and haven’t been on line yet. Aaron told me he would start a thread and my answer was that I would do this without knowing what he’s done.
Our arrival timing at Horseshoe Lake was spot on, about 5 minutes apart, in warm sunshine. Before we were able to move out, a red Chevy van with 3 pumpkins on a trailer comes by and stops. The driver was Joe Estephan, whom I’ve known since the early ‘80s. It turned out there was a fourth pumpkin in the van. Woodsy reported on meeting this group last summer. Joe’s memory of Woodsy didn’t get in gear until KADIE’S brand and size was mentioned. While the four were getting ready, Aaron and I took a warm up tour around the SE short loop. There was no snow, ice, mud or frozen ground. A few downed trees, some leaves and summer time footing it all we encountered.
We returned in about 20 minutes and the six of us took off on the kids – SW loop. It didn’t take long for me to realize I was in a first time ever situation. I’m 5th in line, Aaron was 6th, and can keep the leader in sight. This came to an end when crazytrails moved up front and poured it on. At a rest stop, 2 more pumpkins caught up to us – a couple from Plymouth, Indiana. Joe and his stepson Fred had met them at the New Paris enduro last November. Although Aaron was outnumbered 7 to 1 in brands, I was the same in the strokes category. When 3 of us got to the last junction near the parking lot, there was no Aaron, so I figured he’d gone all the way to the lot. When I got there – no one in sight. Went back to the junction and now they’re all there.
My first thought was to ask Aaron if he had pulled a Woodsy circle and come up behind stunt. Not so. He had pulled an Aaron at Camp Chaos stunt, which I’ll now call a 3 G. Go Fast, Go Straight, Get Lost. A special note for Aaron Craze. Think about taking Lead Rider 101 when offered.
Back at the parking lot, 3 riders from a white van were there. Joe had asked me if it was Dick Wards, (another past enduro rider we knew), and I had no idea. It was Dick’s and he proceeded to tell us he knew it was my van when he first saw it. The point I want to make here is; how can I do something and have no one know about it? That was the new van’s first ‘riding trip’ and I hadn’t seen Dick since July ’04 at Evart. A special note for Woodsy this time. If I were responsible for as much as you think or suspect I am, wouldn’t someone know about it? This translates to my innocence, sometimes at least.
It was too early for the late starters to quit, except for Jim Parker from Joe’s group, so the five of us headed north with Aaron in the lead. He had asked me to call the shot, so I obliged and told him which way to go. By a downed tree Aaron had gone around and stopped, INCA couldn’t resist admiring the blue Yamaha instead of paying attention to the trees. Here is a special for KADIE.
Shed no tears,
And use your ears.
You will always be first,
As for others, there’s no thirst.
The obvious result was a handle bar in the dirt. I have to look at it as no ride being 100% perfect, which I’m not either. Proved this turning off the gravel road at the north end by overshooting the trail, cutting through the brush, going down on the right side with the brake pedal pinning my boot. Aaron had to lift INCA to free me. This is the second time I have been trapped like that and will now modify the pedal somehow.
Some where along the way I was waved on to keep going and lead, which I did at my own pace. A stop at the junction where the 10-mile bubble to the east is, the question of how much further came up. I could only guess at the mileage but the question was an indication of - we’re close to enough riding today. So at Wilke Rd. we turned right and headed back to 184th, across the bridge and back to the lot via the trail.
The sun is starting to go behind the trees and the temperature is dropping. Time to load up and say so long to another day of enjoying life. This was covered during several break visits. Although some were strangers to each other at the start, there was still a lot of common ground, other than trail riding, that came to light. And so it was that Aaron headed for home to post whatever he had in mind, while I headed to Holland for a nights sleep before getting home to do this.

Young Ted

PS - Now I'll go back and see the start of this hawser.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 25, 2005
Well, Ted im no writer like yourself.. And when i got home i had plenty of things to do, so when i finally was able to post anything i could barely keep my lids open and kept typing errors"look at time posted", and i had to wake up at 5 am to be at work by 6:45.... :ahhh: So i apoligize for the short and non-descriptive thread.. Now as for Ted's history report for the Tincacraze ride"thank you i named it myself" ;) , he was very accurate for once.. I pulled in just as good old, or should i say "young" Ted was starting to unload the bike... We shook hands and he gave me a slight slap on the cheeks"me dreaming again i guess", and we carried on with our own rituals of getting ready for the ride... Soon after as he desrcribed, the ORANGE tribe started to assemble"i was very scared at this point being outnumbered by the KTM (killertrailmaniacs :p --also named it myself) grunts, so i slowly moved towards my bike and started it as fast as i could.. :ride: when i returned Ted introduced me to everyone and as the ride progressed, we were like family it seemed .. As it turns out, Ted new almost every rider out at horseshoe.. And i met some phenomenal people who had stop you in you tracks kind of stories of the good old days.. We were on the trails until sunset, and helped each other load the crap back up in the vehicles at the end of the day.. We all said goodbye and wished the best for one another.. When Ted was leaving i threatened that if i found out he drove all the way home i would come find him and rip em a new one.. So the day ended, no one was injured and we made some great jokes about Woodsy :moon: "oooppss, i don't think Ted wanted me to write that, my mistake" haha haha.. Well i guess what im saying is you all missed one heck of a ride, and you will never know what i did that made me have to chase the KillerTrailManiacs down..
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