
May 7, 2001
our bike is 6 months old,and when changing the oil today in preparation for sundays racing.........
there were 3 tiny ball bearings and a lot of metal mush on the sump plug !
after stripping the whole box,it was traced to the tension arm that runs on the selector drum detents.
the inner of the bearing was still in place,and with it being under spring tension,still doing its job
but the outer,complete,was in the bottom of the box,and the clutch and primary drive gears have chunks out of a number of teeth !

now obviously i have caught this just in time,but how much damage to the rest of the bearings will this have done.
should i be pressing ktm for a full gbox rebuild ?

to fix it in a hurry,i got a bearing locally,and punched out the pin that the bearing sits on,replacing it with a nut and bolt.
the std arm is peined over.....and of poor quality.

anyone else had similar ???
check your oil guys !!!

i have also had powervalve retaining plate bolts coming loose no matter what i put on them ???


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I would press them, yes. First I've heard of such an event.

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