03 kx250 clutch repair question


Feb 23, 2009
What parts and special tools will I need to change out clutch. Problem started with scarring on clutch basket. I just continued to ride it this way for a couple months now. It "bucks" real bad when starting in first and if I were to coast with the clutch in and give it gas it wants to go as if clutch wasn't engaged. What needs to be replaced....what would you do if it were your bike and you planned on racing it in 2 months, change it all?????? What does that include and what do I need ??? Obviously I've never worked on a clutch so I would greatly apreciate some help.... Thanks!


Apr 25, 2009

hey there, the main tool you will need is a rattle gun to take the main nut off the basket assy, small grooves in the basket are ok, but if it has worn a sharp groove the basket needs replacing. the clutches have 2 parts, fibre coated plates and aluminium plates, the fibre plates never look worn, but if you have any doubt, replace them. and besides if you need a new basket you probably should replace the lot. remember, take heaps of photos if your unsure as you dismantle it, to refer back to, not a hard job, you just need to be careful and alert,

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007


Feb 23, 2009
Thanks guys !!! My confidence level just went up three notches ! Great advice....especially about takin' the pics. I have this fancey digital camera here on my blackberry, that never sees playin' time, that should come in handy . Thanks again!!!
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