03 RM's Should I or Shouldn't I?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Ok I know the YT thing is a joke for most of you but here is my dilemma. I have the chance to save a substantial amount of money and pick up a 03 RM250 for me and an 03 RM125 for Troy. I kinda figured we would stick with Kawi due to the dealers great trackside service etc etc. But based on current pricing I figure I can save close to $2600 CDN on the 125 alone if I pick up these RM's over waiting until 04 for a new Kawi 250F. One of the local Suzuki dealers is in trouble and blowing them out. BigLou you said you've done alot of wrenching on your buddies RM's are they really that bad that I should pass on the chance to save several thousand?

Some numbers to give you an idea keeping mind most bikes here generally sell within $500 of MSRP with no freight or setup fee's etc.

2003 RM250 MSRP $7299 Advertised Price $5999 Can get for $5499 Savings over MSRP $1800

2003 RM125 MSRP $6999 Advertised price $5799 Can get for $5299 Savings over MSRP $1700

If I wait for the 04 KX's I will most likely end up paying about $6500 for a 125 making the difference considering the tax differences on the selling price close to $1350 for the 125 alone. I haven't factored the difference on the 250 because it's kind of an impulse add on for me :) and the 125 is my primary concern.

All prices in Canadian $.

So what do you say save the big coin and get the RM's or are they really a poorer quality machine?
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Mar 24, 2002
I'm always for saving a buck. I truly believe that there is very little difference between the brands and one should buy what they are most comfortable on. The magazine shootouts are a joke and should be completely ignored.

Others here would rather pay full list just so they can ride that weekend. I have no problem with that and if thats what makes them happy more power to them.

Do what you feel the best doing. If you are the kind of guy that is not happy unless you get EXACTLY what you want at any price don't buy the RM if it is not what you want. If you are the kind of guy that would rather save as much as you can to put into the bike and don't like one brand that much over the next, jump on that deal.

It's all about what you will be happiest over at the end of the day.


May 23, 2003
I think the "poorer quality" machine thing is incorrect and a myth.
Like all dirt bikes,they require TLC.I've had great luck with my 03 250,and so have several of my friends,both 125's and 250's.Mine is used for a little moto,and a lot off off-road,and is run pretty hard,but pampered with prevenative maintenance.All the jap bikes come with junk bars,chains,sprockets.KTM'S are very niceley equipped,but are more expensive.So flip a coin.
I have seen all four break down with expensive failures,yes,even Yamahas and Hondas.It seems that guys that really take care of their machines have less break downs.
Guess what?I also know a lot of riders who buy nothing but RM's,they are brand loyal just like there are brand loyal riders for all brands.This is my 3rd Suzuki,not in a row but I had good luck with all of them.Doug


Dec 24, 2002
I have an 03 RM 125, my first Suzuki after several of the other brands. I really like the way it turns! Showa twin chamber forks are good too. The bike is responsive in every aspect of performance. The magazines like to knock them, but proper adjustments and tuning of the stock components would make a huge difference. The magazines point out all the weaknesses they don't like and then run articles on catalog bikes that have every part a hopup shop makes. Perhaps they should address the weaknesses and the proper solutions.


Chili-For $200 more, I'd get the two-fiddy! Unless you are going to contest the 125 class. For just playin' around, I'd take the 250.

So, $5499 Canadian = $1250 American? ;)


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Originally posted by BigLou
Chili-For $200 more, I'd get the two-fiddy! Unless you are going to contest the 125 class. For just playin' around, I'd take the 250.

So, $5499 Canadian = $1250 American? ;)

Lou it wasn't a which one the 125 or 250, the 125 would be for Troy and the 2 fiddy for me.

You almost had the exchange correct $4000 American = $5496 Canadian at todays exchange rate. :think:

So for a price comparison North American Cycle Brokers that a bunch of guys have raved about the prices want $4299 American for an 03 RM250 plus $200 for shipping.


Nov 5, 2001
ive rode a stock 03kx125 and a stock 02rm125. the rm (IMO) is the better bike and i bought one on the strength of that, but mine was a basket case and that was a big factor in me getting the rm.

if i were you, i would buy two 125s and put a 144 kit on your own bike since it runs like a 250 anyway. that way, you can save even more and get to run the showa suspension also!;)

ive had all brands, and every single one has broken something- i was surprised how much nice details the rm had also.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Well the decision was made and the wallet won out. We now own a new 03 RM125, pick it up on Tuesday. Unfortunately in a rare show of financial restraint I decided to pass on the 250 for me, seems having to pay for an RV and a new bike for the kid brought mature logical financial thoughts to my head :think:


Dec 24, 2002
You can always ride the kid's bike, you know how it is when you need to check the jetting and suspension. Watch the spokes, mine enjoyed coming loose often and the front wheel went out of true. The steering and swingarm bearings beg for grease. The front brake rotor was warped and I figured this out after three sets of brakes pads, much aggravation and help from our local tuner.

The front suspension likes to stink bug (ride low in front) because of the soft forks springs. Talk to the suspension gurus if this happens to get the correct spring rates. Watch the fornt axle holder to make sure there is no binding in the front fork as this will make a huge difference in the plushness of the front suspension action.

I run Motul 800T at 40:1 with pump gas but will soon change to race fuel only. The stock jetting is super rich.


Nov 5, 2001
just run a bit more oil in the forks, remember, the compression is on the top of the fork. I know motul 800 is a good oil, but i still think 32:1 is the minimum on a 125:)


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Chili I think Troy will be more then happy with the RM125. Eric was really thinking about going Yellow next year until I got my bike last week. He was doing all the research and talking to evryone at our races and the RM seems to be the one of choice around here.
Now my next guess you are going to be kicking yourself hard at DW for passing up on that 2fiddy.


Mod Ban
Aug 30, 2002
chili -

those are not good prices at all. my suzuki dealer (go paulsens!) advertises those bikes at that price on a normal business day. last summer they had 02 RM250s advertised for $4,700.

those prices sound more like full pop to me.



Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Bruce thanks for pointing out the fine print to jeremiah :)

Dave I'm already kicking myself but unfortunately we all have to live within our means. Still hoping for the lottery :) Hopefully I'll find a screaming deal on a newer used 250 sometime soon that I'm comfortable pulling the trigger on.

Here's a pic from right before we loaded it up at the dealer today :thumb:


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
hmm I can't seem to attach pics to my posts. Had trouble from work too but figured it was the work firewall. Guess I'll add it to my gallery until I can get ahold of Okie for a fix or answer.


Aug 15, 2002
good choice man! i have an 03 rm 125 also and i've had it for almost 5 months and raced and ridden alot since i've got it and it's been nothing but perfect for me, just do all the maintance on it and don't flake on the trans. oil. i've heard that if you dont run good tran. oil and dont change the oil when they say you should you could blow the crank bearings but i'm not sure if that's true but i'm not risking it. other than that rumor i've heard nothing but good about it that's why i went yellow!!!
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