125 2 stroke for beginner?


Aug 5, 2013
Okay so I'm 16 years old and plan on buying my first dirtbike in a few weeks when I get enough money. I don't have any dirt bike experiance at all and also no experience with using a clutch. I plan on using my bike mostly just for riding around on farm land and eventually taking to trails when I get good enough. I've always been a Honda fan so I'm wondering if the cr125 is a good first bike? And will I be able to handle the power having no experience? The only experience I have is on a little Honda atc 110 3 wheeler haha. I also tried to ride my Buddys kx250 once. That almost landed me a trip to the hospital. I went all out whiskey throttle and my ass was on the ground almost as soon as it was on the bike. My friend says a should get the 125 but I wanted to know what you guys think. Oh and I'm 6'1 and 155 pounds. Any answers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!


Apr 18, 2006
You should be OK, especially riding around on bascially flat ground. Two strokes are very unforgiving, but the flat ground will make up for that.

I suspect that before long you will wish you had a 250. The 125 will be great for starting off but I wouldn't invest too much in your first bike. I certainly wouldn't go anthing smaller than a 125 with your height and weight.

Get used to the idea of your ass being slammed to the ground, it is going to happen. Get the proper protective gear: boots, helmet, goggles and chest protector. I also highly recommend knee pads and elbow pads. The riding pants may seem like an unnecessary expense but they will survive a lot more abuse than a pair of Levis will, and after you've torn a few good pair of levis you would have paid for the riding pants.

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