1992 KDX200 convert to 220, How?


Jan 10, 2003
A friend has a 1992 KDX200. Can this be bored to 220? Is the stroke the same as a 200? Or does it require a sleeve? Or a bore and replate? Anyone know?


May 16, 2002
im pretty sure u can get Eric Gorr to bore it out to 225cc. i dont know about the sleeve or replating it but im sure lots of other people will. Eric has a forum here on DRN called Mods and Performance so you could try posting there.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
just need a 220 piston and cylinder and head, stroke is the same.


Nov 22, 2002
I put a 220 piston in my 200.Its 3 mm bigger.Reshaped head to fit.I used a dremmel tool to make stock head gasket bigger.Re-ported cylinder and had it re-nickeled and runs like a champ.Good luck


Oct 14, 1999
Hope that wasn't an oem 220 piston......

What is it you're after? EG does indeed have a big bore 'kit' for the 200. Makes it 225. Make sure he knows what gas you're going to use. He has to know that to make the required changes to the head.

It is not a sleeve. It's bore/replate. BTW...expect your range (miles/tank) to take a pretty big hit in the process. If >70mile rides are your 'thing'...that won't be happening without carrying extra fuel with you.

You can learn more 'bout it by clicking on his ad to the left, then going to his website. He has a write up on 'big bore' kits there.

Obviously there's more to it than boring a bigger hole and stuffing in a bigger piston.

If you're knowledgable enough to do the required port changes, head machining (combustion pressures will increase to self-destructing levels if you don't) and KIPS re-fit...you're way ahead of most riders. With a dremel tool, even!


One of these days I'll pay attention to what YEAR is being discussed.

I apologize for the worthless effluent. :(
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Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
The 1989 to 1994 KDX200 requires a sleeve to enlarge it from a 200 to a 220, 225 or 240 and can not simply be bored and plated. The problem lies in the design of the main exhaust valve. The stroke is the same either way. Eric Gorr's 225 big bore kits apply to 1995 to 2003 KDXs rather than the 1989 to 1994 design.

The pre 1994 and post 1995 cylinders and heads are not interchangeable so it’s not just a matter of swapping top end with one off a 220.

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