Check the bearings and linkage, if either are worn, it will make the bike sag bad. I purchased a 95 XR100 for my nephew to learn on. I took it to a motorcross track so he could ride around in the pits while a friend of mine practiced. He pulled up and pointed out a 96 "just like his". We went over to look at it and noticed that side by side, the 96 was about 2-3" taller at the fender. I talked with the owner to make sure that the 96 was stock (bearings and linkage had not dawned on me yet), so we looked at the 95 and when we picked up on the fender It was as tall as the 96. Took it home and tore into it, bushings were gone, bolts were seized and pins were shot. $100 later, it sat up properly, handled better and was tall enough for me to play on.