1997 to 2001 CR250 Honda


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I am in the progress of putting one of these together from scratch. I ran across a company selling different head mounts, to drop these engines in the 2002 to 2006? Is this really doable by just changing mounts? I rode and raced the 97 with the Huck forks, it was really amazing the difference. I have no doubts that it made the difference in my speed, and being here typing with both hands! I am actually dropping all the good parts in a '00 frame. Just seeing the frame is incredible from the '97. I just had to try the forks out! Huge difference! Getting picked on by 450's was no fun. The time to go see Eric draws ever near, and hopefully the bacon store is close also! The bike, there is not really much that will work from the 97 aside from the engine, as opposed to what a lot claim on the net. Also there is this desire to jury rig newer plastics, now I see why? Vintage Bob
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