Originally posted by KC_BigDog_51
If I sheared the flywheel key I would not be getting spark. See above quote from earlier post.
This is not neccessarily true. You can still have spark, it just may not be timed correctly.
Let's start with the basics here. For an engine to run, you have to have fuel, air, compression, and a spark, preferably delivered at the correct time. These are all easy things to check. Once you know you have the basic ingredients, it is time to start delving deeper. Is the timing off, due to a sheared key or a faulty ignition box? Are the reeds cracked or broken, allowing the fuel-air mix to bounce back and forth through the carb, making it hopelessly rich? Did the float stick, flooding the engine? If you eliminate things one by one, you will find the problem, and be ripping up the track again before you know it.