2 stroke trouble 2


Apr 8, 2006
Since my experience with riding is limited to only 2 years of back yard track and homemade trail riding, i need some help with finding a 2 stroke. Another factor i need help with is that i am 16 years old, 6'0'', and weigh 225 pounds. I basically have the body of a linebacker. I need a 2 stroke that has enough power that i can keep up with my friends, is decently cheap, and something i wont kill myself on. Any suggestions will be appretiated


Aug 21, 2005
Wow, that TTR is about dead isn't it? A 125 would prabably pull your weight, but you would have to upgrade the springs. You might even need to do so on a 250. If you are worried about the way a 250 delivers power, a flywheel weight will smooth out the powerband, and hight gear ratios will give the impression of less power, at the expense of greater overall speed. If you are intelligent, you should survive a 250.
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