
Jul 20, 2001
Read this in feb 2002 dirt bike mag(dirt biking 101).This may have allready been discused if so point me that way.It says the latest word is that all vehicles must meet on-highway vehicle emission standards by 2006,except for closed course.Will that mean no more trail riding in national forest etc. on 2 strokes??Im thinking of buying a new trail bike(2 stroke) but dont want something that will be unuseable in 4 yrs.Not screaming the sky is falling...just want to know if it might.
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Oct 6, 2001
Yes it is true that in 2006 2 strokes will not be able to ride trails and everything. They will only be able to ride closed circuits meaning tracks, and not all tracks either, but if you were to by a 2002 2 stroke you will be able to ride it wherever 4 strokes can for as long as you want. The new rules in 2006 don't apply too anything that is made before 2006. So if you had a 2005 CR250 you could ride it on trails with the 2008 4 strokes and it would be legal as long as where you are riding is a legal off-road area that is.


Jul 20, 2001
mxracer724 i hope thats if i go drop a stack of cash on a new gas gas or ktm im grandfathered in.I may be moving back to northern idaho(CDA) this summer and theres a lot of none close course areas to ride in and around the area.Really been looking at the new 4strokes like the WR250F but just not sold yet.I like bikes that start..


We just did this thread two weeks ago. If you read the proposal closely, you will see that closed-course 2-strokes will still be available. My guess is that the price will increase dramatically since the majority of OHV buyers are just weekend trai riders and not racers.

Here is the previous thread on the subject: Click Me!


Nov 12, 2001
Always keep in mind that ANYTHING you read in Dirt Bike or Motocross Action magazines has been given the National Enquirer sensationalism treatment (laced with bull**** and fanfare to generate readership) so seek out the TRUTH on the EPA and relevant websites before jumping to conclusions.

Also, check out the AMA Direct Link and ARA sites to keep your elected officials informed of your concerns. Remember that they work for YOU.


I agree. The AMA's monthly magazine, "American Motorcyclist", is where I read about it. There are a lot of "outs" and loopholes in the proposal right now. Too many questions to make definitive statements yet. Good advice about reading the AMA and EPA websites on this issue.
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