2000 CR80 Expert - Parts Search - Story


May 10, 2009
I replaced the crankshaft & piston in my 2000 Honda CR 80 RB Expert and one of the gear forks fell out while I was f-ing around :bang: for some reason I put it back in backwards! Today I put in all back together and as you might have guessed...Not all the gears worked properly. Well The first 3 gears on each side of the transmission either have broken teeth or are really chewed. I need help, where can I get the gears? If I buy just the ones I need OEM from a site like bikebandit, It will cost me like $350.00 buxs. There has to be somewhere I can get these parts and or a new trans for less?? Help me Please! The bike is all torn down, I don’t know what to do. These bikes don't sell for much anymore, Its hard to justify $350 bones! HELP!

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
what about buying one bike\engine used, maybe worn out and change some parts? i am not american but from what i read they are pretty cheap there...
get a service manual and work from there...


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
As noted a factory service manual would have been all of $50 and would have saved ya a bunch or time & "bux". Too late now but get the manual anyway. The check places like ebay or cycle salvage sites and you might get lucky. Another idea might be craigslist where you can pick up a complete bike, take what you need and sell the rest.


Oct 24, 2006
RevRevGo just so you know the CR80/85 just about 98% of parts on motor can swap from older to new model the mian diff is the Cylinder "Exhaust output" and Head "Water input".
Go to E B A Y look for CR80 or CR85 Transmission or Gears from 1986 thur 2004
I not 100% sure on this it also possable that the 2005 thur 2007 maybe the same bottom end as well but being the crankshaft has change I wouldn't count on it.
By the way bikebandit is not the cheaps place to buy things I find that PowerSportsPro is much cheaper
Note also dry test your transmission before the install the 2nd half of case
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May 10, 2009
Yeah, I'm looking into the ebay option right now. I can't believe the OEM prices...How come there is no aftermarket transmissions out there?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
RevRevGo said:
How come there is no aftermarket transmissions out there?
:laugh: Seriously? I guess you have not put much thought in to that idea. Aftermarket parts are sold to make money. You make money by selling lots of parts and/or few parts for lots of money. So think about the realistic demand for something like transmission parts for a bike, any bike. Consider the manufacturing costs of the parts and making sure they fit each model and year correctly... Might be the same reason you don't see lots of aftermarket swingarms.


Oct 24, 2006
I can't believe the OEM prices
As for aftermarket transmissions just wait in tell see there prices they can cost way more then motor it self in some case's.
The biggest problem with most aftermarket parts is that there way to greedy
Here good example of one from Scary Fast Racing product know as Power Now or Power Now Plus model they want $100 I know there can be sold for way less then that to me this nothing more then BS greed I beat anything that it dosen't cost more then at most $10/15 to make and if they where only dbl that for profit there still make a killing.
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Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
There's at least one born every minute.
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