2000 YZ 125 Shift Problem

Bill L

May 21, 2007
I am a newbie here, and really appreciate all I've seen so far. There are some very knowledgeable people here. Let me thank you in advance for any help you will provide.
I bought my son a 2000 YZ 125 a couple of weeks ago. In about his 4th or 5th ride, he stopped to talk to his buddy who was riding with him. When he restarted the bike, it will not shift gears. The shift lever is tight on the shaft, the shaft itself moves, but the gears do not change. I rode it to verify it is stuck in first gear. It will not change to any other gear, either while riding, or while sitting in the garage shifting by hand. I have a manual on the way, but hoped someone might have some insight on this situation. Thanks again. BTW, I have searched shift problems, and read the threads that came up, but did not find this symptom.

Bill L


Oct 19, 2006
Pull the right side cover, there is probably a problem somewhere between the shift shaft and the shift drum. It should be pretty obvious once you get the cover off. You may need to remove the clutch if you can't see the shift drum.

Bill L

May 21, 2007
Thanks 76. I think I'll pop that cover off tonight. I will post up what I find out.

Bill L

May 21, 2007
I found the shift lever roller that rides in the slot on the shift shaft assembly along with the pin it sits on sitting in the bottom of the case. Is that pin just pressed into the shift lever? The parts diagram I found shows it pressed through the shift lever 2, but the re seems to just be a hole on mine, but not all the way through.

Bill L

May 21, 2007
I got the shift assembly put back together. I tapped the small rod back into the hole it came out of for a short ride, but I now have absolutely no clutch pressure. I guess I 'll tear it back apart and trouble shoot that tomorrow night. It has been a long, long time since i had a motorcycle sitting on a milk crate in the garage. I believe the last one was an IT 400 back in about 83 or so.