Hey all. My buddy had an incident on the weekend, and Im a die hard 2-t fan so I thought I come here for the experts. Seems he was riding the bike, took a break for about ten minutes and when he started up and got himself going, it blew the muffler off, straight back about 50 feet, and it sounds like it its mostly shrapnel now. So he wants me to get a new exhaust and get him going....but...... Why did this happen? I dont want to just throw on another without really knowing why. I figure it will just happen again with more serious results. Some symtpoms his has been complaining about. 1) alot of backfiring on deacleration, he says alot like popcorn, but louder obvioulsy. 2) carb is pouring out gas.... this is a no brainer, but can it lead to catastrophic muffler failure? 3) he had the head cover gasket suck in a while ago, he thought he knocked it with something, but im wondering now. This was fixed, and now he blows the exhaust so Im wondering about the relation maybe. Im jsut not sure aobut the newer 4s, and I dont want to give him advice Im not sure aobut. Soooo..... any one have something similar happen? I would sure love to hear about it if you did. Hope ive been clear, if not Im sure Ill hear aobut it!! Cheers and thanks to all who look. Dray